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Serena left, and Olivia was alone with Josiah once again. She held her son close and hummed softly to him until she knew he was really asleep. She was beyond happy that Serena had come up and they had talked. It meant that there wasn't anything she had to worry about anymore, because there didn't seem to be any hurt feelings anymore.

"I assume everything went good since you aren't crying and freaking out," Elliot spoke, as he walked into Olivia's room.

"It did. She got to hold Josiah, and I think that she might change her parenting method a bit so that her kids don't continue to be assholes." Olivia smiled. Elliot walked over to her and sank down onto the chair beside her.

"Jackie got picked up a few nights ago after she broke into her school with her boyfriend," Elliot spoke, and Olivia couldn't help but laugh a bit. He joined in until Josiah woke up and cried loudly.

"Oh, give me that baby," Elliot spoke, as he reached out. Olivia placed their son into his arms and he held his son close and started to calm him down.

"It's okay, Josiah. Daddy has you, and you know that Daddy is superior to your mother." Elliot smiled, and Olivia rolled her eyes as she sank down underneath the blanket and just watched as Elliot stood up and walked around the room as he talked to their new baby.

"Everything is going to be okay, even if I decide to never go back to work, right?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Our kids will know what it is like to have a mother around all the time. They will never wonder if you love them or not because you can be there to show them that you love them."

"I like that... and if you could hum a little louder, then I might be able to fall asleep."

"Anything for you m'lady."


6 Months Later

Elliot and Olivia managed to feel like they had everything under control in regards to their family. Elliot worked but always managed to get home on time to eat dinner with his wife and kids and to put the kids to bed at night. Olivia worked hard to give Maureen the same experiences that she'd get at school, like field trips to the museums and she still went and played with the friends she made through the homeschooling group Olivia was with.

"Look, Momma! He's splashing!" Maureen exclaimed as she sat beside Olivia on the floor of the bathroom while they bathed Josiah.

"I know! I'm surprised that he finally likes water and bathes." Olivia smiled, as she filled the cup with some water and washed the suds out of Josiah's mess of brown hair.

"You know Momma, I kinda wanted a baby sister. But then when I met Josiah, I knew that I wanted a baby brother." Maureen smiled, as she looked over at her mother. Olivia grinned as she looked over at her daughter.

"I think that you are meant to have baby brothers, just like I was meant to have too many brothers." Olivia smiled.

"Am I gonna get another baby brother soon?" Maureen asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"I don't know, Mo. But let's just focus on the baby brother you have right now." Olivia laughed softly. Josiah squealed as he hit the water with his small hands. 

"Family?!" Elliot called from downstairs and Maureen jumped up from the floor and went sprinting out of the bathroom to greet her father, as Olivia finished up with Josiah.

"Daddy!" Maureen exclaimed as she went jumping into Elliot's arms.

"Hey, girly! How are you?" He asked, and Maureen hugged his neck tightly as her eyes lit up.

"Good! Momma took me and Josiah to the park and then I got to push him on the swings!" She squealed. Elliot smiled because he knew how absolutely happy being a big sister made Maureen. How she always wanted to help, and she didn't even get bothered when she was asked to help change Josiah's diaper.

"Is Momm-" Elliot started, but then he saw his wife walked down the stairs with their son wrapped up in his lion bath towel.

"Here is your son. Now they are your problems while I go make dinner." Olivia smiled. 

Elliot sat Maureen down before taking Josiah from his wife who just seemed to thrive on the stress of raising a baby and a 7-year-old. She absolutely loved her children, and whenever anyone asked her to do something or to join the crew for drinks, she'd always turn them down because she only wanted to be with her kids.

 He was glad that he could help her get a family of her own because even though she had brothers and parents who loved her and were her family, all she wanted was to have a family of her own.


After putting both of the kids down, Elliot and Olivia laid together in their bed. They were going to try and get some cleaning done, but they were both too tired and didn't even want to try. Elliot grabbed his wife's hand and squeezed it before looking over at her and smiling.

"Liv?" He asked, and she sighed.


"I love you." He spoke, and she looked over at him and smiled tiredly.

"I love you too, El. Are you going to tell me something that might make me angry?" She asked, and he laughed softly and shrugged.

"Maybe?" He asked.

"Did you-" She started, but he interrupted her.

"I didn't cheat on you. But I do have some bad news." He frowned.

"What happened?" She asked, as she sat up and turned her body to face him.

"I have to go undercover for a bit. I don't know how long it'll be, and I don't know exactly what day I'll be leaving next week."

"So I'm not going to see you for a while..." She frowned, and Elliot nodded.

"My pay is going to increase a bit, and the crew is going to come over and help you when you need the help," Elliot spoke, and Olivia felt tears well in her eyes.

"I have barely been away from you, Elliot. The kids never are, and Josiah is going to probably not remember you when you get back... can't you turn it down?" Olivia asked.

"I don't think I can. But baby, I promise you that I won't be away for too long. I think that it might just be a few weeks."

"Or what? You could be one of those men that go undercover for years at a time, and never see their family again!" She cried.

"Don't think about it that way-"

"I need some space, Elliot. I'm gonna go check on Maureen." Olivia mumbled before she quickly climbed out of bed as tears spilled down her cheeks.

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