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Elliot sat beside his wife as she continued to sleep. The doctors had told him that she wasn't going to wake up for a while because she was so weak. Elliot was scared that she'd never wake up because not only did she lose a lot of blood but because they also just lost their child. Elliot rubbed her hand and arm as he tried to wake her up a bit, but he wasn't really thinking she'd wake up right now and it might be just because he is here.

"Liv, I know that we lost our baby but that doesn't mean we can't try for another baby when you are ready. Or we could adopt a baby or something. I hope that you wake up soon because I just need to know that you are going to be okay eventually. Not right now, probably not tomorrow or next week, but sometime in the future because you are my everything and I need to see your smile again." Elliot breathed. He reached out and brushed some hair away from her forehead as tears welled in his eyes.

"Mr. Stabler?" A nurse questioned.

"Yeah?" Elliot asked as he turned to look at the older woman.

"Visting time is over. I think that it would be wise if you headed home and got some sleep." She breathed, and Elliot quickly shook his head.

"I just got here. I just want to stay here with her. Please let me stay." Elliot begged.

"I'm sorry, sir. But you need to take care of yourself to make sure once your wife is ready to come home, that you can take care of her."

"Is she ever going to be able to have children again?" Elliot asked.

"We don't know yet, sir. Sometimes stuff like this just causes more issues. She lost a tremendous amount of blood."

"I know. I was sitting there with her." Elliot whispered. He stood before leaning down and kissing Olivia's forehead gently.

"I'll be back in the morning, babe. I promise."


Elliot drove home and Denise was still awake. He was surprised when she stood up from the couch and looked at him with so much anger in her eyes and covering her face.

"What happened?" Elliot asked.

"Serena was here. Why was she here?!" She spat, and Elliot frowned deeply.

"Because she showed up wanting to talk to Liv. I told her that she couldn't and then I ended up telling her about the miscarriage. She helped me clean up the bedroom and go get a new mattress. She helped me out today and I really-"

"You don't need her help. Just tell me what you need and I'll do it. These kids are MY grandchildren. Olivia is MY daughter. They aren't anything to her." Denise spat.

"The sheets were soaked with blood. The mattress was completely ruined. I needed her help because I felt like crying because all I wanted was my wife to be good and for my child to be still living. But that can never happen." Elliot spoke. He ran his hand over his face before looking at the stairs.

"Elliot, just ignore her." Denise huffed.

"I'm going to go to bed. You can have the bed and I'll sleep on the couch. But we aren't discussing this anymore." Elliot spoke, his exhaustion seeping into every word he said.

"Collin is coming in tomorrow afternoon. Would you like him to take the kids back to Buffalo back with him so that you won't need Serena's help anymore?" Denise questioned.

"No, because if Liv wants them, I don't want her to have to wait hours to see them. Goodnight."


The kids continued to be very quiet and just played or drew but didn't really say much. They could really tell that something was off, and Maureen had told Josiah that he needed to be a very good baby so that their father doesn't get more upset.

Collin showed up after Elliot had left to go back to the hospital and he opened the front door without even knocking. He called for his wife, and she quickly came to the front of the house and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, Collin. Thank you so much for coming here." Denise breathed as she clung to her husband.

"When you called and said that it was worse than we all expected, I needed to be here for you all. How is Liv?" Collin asked.

"She's still in the ICU. They have to continue to give her blood and fluids because she's really bad off right now. They have no idea what is happening other than they might have to do surgery to try and eliminate all of the bleeding completely." Denise replied as she stepped back and just looked up at her husband.

"What do you need me to do?" Collin questioned, as they walked towards the kitchen. Denise got him a cup of coffee and passed it to him as he sank down onto one of the bar stools.

"I need you to help me with the kids. Then maybe you could go up and sit with Liv? I think maybe if you go up there she might realize that a lot of people are on her side and ready to help her." Denise replied.

"The boys have been going to church a couple of times a day to pray for her. They said that they'd all get on a plane to come here if we need them." Collin spoke.

"We are blessed with amazing kids. We just need our girl to wake up and make it."


Elliot continued to sit beside Olivia's bedside for the whole day. He caressed her hair and talked to her. He'd kiss her cheek or hold her hand to his lips as he prayed for her to wake up. But the bleeding just kept happening, and at around 5, she was taken down to the OR for a hysterectomy. The doctors said that they didn't want to do it because Olivia is still so young, but if they didn't she would most likely die.

Elliot found himself in the chapel again, but he wasn't alone for long.

"Elliot?" Collin asked.

"Yeah?" Elliot whimpered.

"Where's Liv?" Collin asked.

"She's getting surgery right now... she can't have more kids," Elliot whispered.


"She's never going to be herself again. Even if she wakes up, she's never going to be Liv again."

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