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Olivia sat in her hospital bed and stared at the blank wall in front of her. All she could think of was that her child was gone and that she would never be able to carry another child. She felt as a few tears ran down her cheeks, but she quickly brushed them away. She didn't want to cry anymore. She just wanted this all to be a nightmare that she was just having a hard time waking up from.

"Liv?" A soft voice questioned, and Olivia reached her hand out to her father.

"Daddy, make this all go away." She whimpered, and Collin swallowed hard before walking over to her. He grabbed her hand before sitting down beside her and wrapping his strong arms around her body.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could. I wish I could make everything better." Collin breathed, as his daughter started to sob into his chest.

"I want my baby." She whimpered, and Collin nodded.

"I know, honey. I know. But your baby is in Heaven." Collin replied.

"I want to die." Olivia sobbed.

"No, you don't. Do you want to be away from Maureen and Josiah? Because those two kids would have been devastated if you would have passed away. And think about your husband. He sat by you through this all. He almost lost you, and don't forget that he also lost that baby." Collin spoke.

"I hurt him! I blamed this on him, Daddy! I need Elliot. Can you get him for me?!" Olivia cried.

"I'll find him, Liv. I don't think he went far."


Collin was right. Elliot didn't make it out of the hospital. He was sitting in the main lobby and watched as people came and went. Elliot had tears on his cheeks, and he wanted to stop crying because he was hoping that maybe then he can just become numb and be okay with his wife blaming him for the death of their child. But he knew he'd never be okay. He would hate himself forever.

"The girl that stole both of our hearts is in her hospital room right now feeling so bad for blaming you for what happened," Collin spoke, as he sank down beside his daughter's husband. 

At first, Collin had a hard time accepting Elliot because he was the new man in his little girl's life. Collin hated that Olivia wouldn't need him anymore, but once he met Elliot and saw the way that he looked at Olivia and the way that Olivia looked at him, he knew that he had no choice but to accept him. 

"She should be mad... if I hadn't gotten her pregnant this wouldn't have happened." Elliot breathed.

"Elliot, you both wanted that baby. You can't be blamed for the baby dying, just like I can't be blamed for the twins dying." Collin spoke. He reached out and gently patted Elliot's leg.

"You should go back up there and just tell her that I left... tell her that she is better off without me. She can have Maureen and Josiah. I don't want to hurt them like I hurt their Mom and baby brother or sister." Elliot whispered as more tears slipped down his cheeks.

"You aren't running off. I will kill you before I let you leave your family. Do you understand?" Collin spoke, his voice cold. Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yes, sir." He breathed.

"Then go up there and see Liv. Now." Collin ordered. Elliot stood on shaky legs and headed to the bathroom first. He wasn't going to let Olivia see him crying like a baby.


Elliot walked upstairs to Olivia's room. He slowly walked in and he watched as his wife looked up at him.

"Hey, El." She breathed.

"Hey, babe. How are you doing?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"Elliot, I'm not going to be good for a while. So please, please don't leave me. Please don't take what I say personally." Olivia spoke.

"I've been with you for a while, and I know that when you are upset that you insult me... I usually know that you don't mean it." Elliot replied.

"What happened isn't your fault, El. No one could prevent it." Olivia breathed. Elliot nodded slowly as he walked over and grabbed her hands.

"I forgive you." He spoke, and Olivia bit her lip as she tried to not laugh. She still hurt so much, that laughing wasn't going to help.

"Don't make me laugh, Elliot. Especially since I didn't tell you that I was sorry." Olivia replied, and her husband grinned before leaning down and kissing her lips softly.

"You never say you are sorry." He smiled. Olivia smacked his chest before shifting over in her hospital bed. Elliot sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her as she made herself comfortable.

"What did you tell the kids?" Olivia breathed.

"I told them the truth. Josiah won't remember this, but Maureen deserves to grieve her baby brother or sister just like we deserve to grieve our child."

"I love you too much, Elliot. It hurts." She whispered.


One Week Later

Olivia was released a week after the whole thing happened. She was supposed to relax and not lift anything more than ten pounds because they were nervous about what might happen if her internal stitches opened.

Denise picked her up and drove her back home, where Elliot and the kids had put up a banner to welcome her back home.

"Hey, Josiah. There's Momma." Elliot smiled as he held his son close. Josiah quickly looked out the front window and where the van pulled up. He watched for a long moment before squealing happily when he saw his mother.

"Momma!" He cried over and over again. Elliot walked forward and opened the door. Maureen quickly slipped past him and ran down the path, but she slowed down when she got closer to her mother.

"Maureen, I'm okay," Olivia spoke, knowing that her daughter was on the verge of crying.

"Can I hug you?" She whimpered, and Olivia nodded.

"I think I need a hug from you right now," Olivia replied. Maureen quickly eliminated the gap between herself and her mother before hugging her tightly. Olivia ignored the little bit of pain she felt and just held her daughter.

"I'm so sorry about your baby, Momma... but Daddy said maybe we could help a baby that doesn't have a Momma or Daddy in a year or two," Maureen spoke, as she looked up at her mother.

"I'm sorry that you had to see me in that much pain, Mo. And I'm sorry that you never got to meet your baby brother or sister."

"But I'll always love it, Momma."

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