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Elliot went back to work nearly a month after being back home and he felt like he never wanted to be back to an undercover officer because he loves being a sex crimes detective much better. And it meant that he didn't have to leave his wife and children.

At home, Maureen was doing great with her homework and being a big sister. Josiah had started to talk more, and he seemed to really like teasing Maureen by saying her name wrong on purpose. 

They were so happy just being a family again, and Olivia felt like she was doing better. Much better in regards to being more open about her feelings and fears that she had while pregnant with Josiah and she was just more open with her husband instead of just being quiet and bottling everything up.

"Momma?" Maureen asked while Olivia walked out of Josiah's room after putting him down for the night. Maureen was supposed to be downstairs watching a movie.

"Yeah, Mo?" Olivia whispered, before reaching down and swinging Maureen up into her arms.

"I know this happened a while ago... but Daddy said that Grandma had to tell me about something to do with babies when I'm older... and I'm older now. One month older." Maureen spoke, and Olivia sighed softly as she walked down the stairs as Elliot walked into the front door.

"Oh, Daddy?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot turned around and saw his wife didn't look too impressed by something.

"Yes?" He asked.

"So, Maureen said that Grandma Denny has to tell her something when she is older. It has to do with babies and she wants to know now because she is a month older." Olivia spoke, and Elliot's eyes went wide.

"Like where they come from?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sat Maureen on her feet and quickly shook her head.

"No. Because she's only 7. Is it about the twins?" Olivia asked her husband, but Maureen replied.

"The twins? Did Grandma have twins?" Maureen asked, and Olivia sighed softly because she knew that when Maureen asked about babies, she must have overheard her conversation with her mother in the kitchen.

"Okay, Maureen we wanted you to know when you were closer to uh... closer to 20 or so. Not 7." Olivia replied.

"No, Momma-"

"It is a very hard topic to talk about, Maureen. And we don't want to scare you."

"Why would it scare me!?" Maureen cried, and Olivia sighed softly.

"Because Daddy and I might be having another baby," Olivia spoke.

"What? Really?" She breathed, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Darling, can we just wait to tell you for a while longer?" Elliot asked, and Maureen frowned but nodded.

"As long as I get a new brother or sister, I can wait."


Maureen was asked to go to bed shortly after Elliot got home so that Olivia could have more time to talk to her husband about what he had promised their small daughter.

"So, wanna tell me what the hell you said?" Olivia huffed.

"What do you mean? You were the one who promised Mo another sibling." Elliot replied as he walked into the kitchen. Olivia grabbed him by his arm and swung him around to look at her.

"Because the test came back positive this morning, asshole. She won't have to wait as long for another sibling compared to how long she has to wait to find out that her Grandma had been pregnant with twins when they adopted me, to only start bleeding horribly. For her to find out that I didn't call an ambulance quick enough that everything got worse." Olivia huffed.

"You're pre-"

"Nope. Don't start that fucker. Tell me why you'd say that to her." Olivia replied.

"Because you walked out of the room in tears after talking to your mother about the twins. And I didn't say I'd tell her that. I said that Grandma would tell her about it because it was what she experienced." Elliot frowned.

"Elliot, please just don't tell her stuff. She is almost like an elephant. That memory of hers... she never forgets a thing."

"And her ears are a little on the big side-"

"I'm done. You can sleep on the couch. Because clearly, you don't want to discuss this like a normal person, you just want to joke around and get all excited that you impregnated me again."

"Whoa, okay then. At least come over and kiss me."

"Yeah right, Stabler."


Olivia had just fallen asleep when Elliot snuck into their bedroom and made himself comfortable on his side of the bed. Olivia opened her eyes and sighed before shoving him.

"This isn't the couch." She grumbled.

"I know it isn't... but I thought that at least we could both sleep better if we shared our bed. And it's roomy enough for the both of us. Unless you want to be a bed hog." Elliot spoke, and Olivia grabbed his arm and he thought she would pull him close, instead, she pushed him hard and he fell onto the floor with a thud.


"Real mature, Olivia!" He exclaimed, and Olivia sat up and turned on the light.


"I was just trying to get Maureen to focus on something after she heard what you guys were talking about. I wasn't doing it to be a dick. Honestly, I wasn't. I wasn't doing to get you back in bed with me or to piss you off."

"I know that..." Olivia trailed off.

"Then why am I in trouble?" Elliot asked, and she shrugged.

"I don't know anymore. I guess it just took me off guard that our kid asked me about a super dark and hard topic." Olivia sighed.

"You know... it was so hard to not want to just kiss you all the time... because when you get angry and a tiny bit flustered you are so cute," Elliot spoke, and his wife sighed again before reaching out to him. He climbed back onto the bed before wrapping his arms around her body and kissing her neck softly.

"So, we just need to wait and see about the possible baby, okay? Don't get excited and start throwing baby names out or planning on where we are putting it... okay?" 

"I'm going to get excited right now but I promise it'll be gone by the morning," Elliot spoke, before shoving his face into the crook of his wife's neck to muffle his excitement.

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