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Olivia was shocked to hear that her husband went to see his mother. He had been very clear last night that he didn't want anything to do with her, and that he also didn't want Maureen and her to meet his mother and to get to know her.

Olivia just walked back into the squad room and sat at her desk which was opposite Elliot's. He was busy ignoring her in any possible way, which just made her even angrier. She hated that this was their first fight. She had thought the first fight would be when they argued over when the right time to start trying for a baby would be, not that he wanted to make sure Olivia and Maureen stayed away from his crazy mother.

"Stabler, take Munch out to IAB. You both have to talk to Tucker." Captain Cragen huffed, as he walked from his office. Elliot stood up and pulled his jacket back on before walking out of the room, John following close behind.

Olivia looked around and noticed that everyone was paying attention to what they were doing, so she stood and pulled her own jacket on before walking out and taking the stairs.

She was going to see Mrs. Stabler, whether Elliot wanted her to or not.


Olivia looked in the phone book and got Bernadette Stabler's address. She drove as quickly as possible to there, and when it was time to turn into the driveway, she couldn't. She just kept driving around and around the neighborhood and about 20 minutes after she arrived, she turned the blinker on and turned into the driveway.

She parked her car, and looked at the house she has been at before. She would come here after school sometimes. It was one of the only places where she was able to eat in preschool, minus when Elliot would share his lunch with her.

The front door opened, and Olivia saw the woman who she hadn't seen for years until she saw her at the grocery store.

"Mrs. Stabler?" Olivia questioned, as she climbed out of her car.

"Did Elliot send you over here to yell at me?" She spat, as she ran her hands through her hair. Olivia could see how uncomfortable Bernadette looked, and Olivia wondered if the stress of getting yelled at by her son had caused her stressful expression and disheveled clothing.

"No, I just wanted to talk. Please." Olivia breathed. She closed her car door and approached the front door. Mrs. Stabler quickly shut the door in Olivia's face.

"Mrs. Stabler, I swear to god that I'm not here to yell at you. Please, I just want to talk. I want to understand!"

"Understand what? That I'm crazy?!" She laughed, bitterly.

"I want to understand why my husband is so against me seeing you..." Olivia trailed off.

Mrs. Stabler slowly opened the door and looked at Olivia. She bit her lip as her eyes examined her husband's wife.

"Please," Olivia begged.

"He'll be so angry at me," Bernadette whispered.

"Don't worry. He won't find out."


Olivia held a glass of lemonade between her hands, as Elliot's mother gathered up some pictures to show her. Olivia looked around at the house she remembered was so well kept, but now it looked dirty and as if Bernie, as Mrs. Stabler told Olivia to call her, had given up altogether.

"He was such an adorable kid." Bernie smiled, as she sat beside Olivia and handed her Elliot's baby book. Olivia opened it up and smiled as she saw what her husband looked like when he was a baby. Olivia was angry at her husband, but she was also excited about how adorable their child would be when Olivia finally got the nerve up to ask him if they could start trying.

Olivia flipped through a few different pages before finding one with her on it. She was dressed as a radish and Elliot was dressed as a very cute carrot.

"Why didn't you cut me out of this?" Olivia asked as she ran her fingers gently over the picture.

"Because you were my son's best friend. It appears you still are and even more." She breathed.

"I'm in love with your son, Mrs... Bernie. I wish he would've addressed this with me before we got married. I bet you had wanted to be at the wedding, it was amazing and we had so much fun." Olivia smiled a bit. She loved thinking about the day she got married because it was a day she never wanted to forget.

"I hate that he hates me. Olivia, honey, I love my kids. All of them. I love that they have great jobs and have families. I just wish that I could be apart of Maureen's life." She sighed. She stood and ran her hands over her pants before going and walking towards the fireplace. She picked up a picture of Elliot and herself, before holding it to her chest.

"Make him see that I'm not crazy..."

"Bipolar disorder is a hard thing to deal with. I don't know what it feels like, but I've worked with people who have had it. I will try to get him to let you talk to Maureen, but I need you to promise me something."

"I'll do anything!" She exclaimed.

"Get on a schedule to make sure you won't forget your medicine. Get up every morning and make yourself a good breakfast. Eat it and take your medicine. Then paint or read something. Just try your hardest, because I know you want to be a grandmother to Maureen." Olivia smiled, as she stood and walked to the older woman. She reached out and drew her into a hug as she took a shaky breath.

She's just sick. She's just trying to live and not give up. She'll give up if Elliot doesn't try to give her another shot. But Olivia was going to make sure he did.

"You are so nice, Olivia. You are just as sweet as you were when you were a little girl."

"It's because I was adopted. I got raised in Buffalo by two amazing parents. I was protected by four brothers, and I was happy."

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