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Maureen got better after about being sick for a week. Josiah enjoyed spending so much time with his father in the fort that they built. Or that Elliot built. But after that week, they were back to normal. Elliot went to work, and Olivia continued to spend her days taking care of the kids and teaching Maureen from home. 

Josiah was more than excited about his sister starting her lessons again because that meant he got to go on all of the field trips with his mother and big sister.

"Okay, so I have to figure out how to turn my visit to my OBGYN into a field trip today." Olivia sighed, as she brushed her hair out while Elliot finished his shower.

"You have an appointment today? If you would have told me I could have gone with you three." Elliot spoke, as he shut the water out and reached his hand out. Olivia handed him his towel before turning to look at the shower.

"You could always go in late and watch the kids while I go to my appointment," Olivia spoke, while Elliot climbed out of the shower with the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Maybe I want to go see our kid."

"Elliot, it's not that appointment. I'm still two weeks shy of seeing the baby for the first time. I just need to go in and they listen to the heartbeat and make sure I'm doing good and that the baby is doing good too." Olivia spoke.

"We aren't ready to tell them yet... huh?"

"Not yet... maybe when I can show them the sonogram picture. But maybe you can stay home and go in once I get back?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course. Anything for you." Elliot smiled.

"That is what I like to hear! Now, I'm going to go make breakfast and then maybe while I'm gone you could give Maureen her spelling quiz?"

"And if she fails it?"

"Then it's your fault because you let her stay up later last night to watch the meteor shower."


Olivia left shortly after the kids were up, and Elliot was on Daddy Duty. He gave Josiah a bath and then let him play while he tested Maureen on her vocab words.

Maureen was still a little tired after her test, so Elliot let her just chill and watch cartoons while Olivia was at her appointment.

But then at around 11, Olivia called Elliot.

"Hey, honey. What's up?" Elliot asked, but then he heard Olivia's heavy breathing on the other side of the call.

"El, I'm heading home right now." She whispered.

"What happened, Liv? You sound like you are crying."

"Elliot, the pregnancy isn't viable anymore... the baby has a slow heartbeat and the doctor thinks that I'll lose the baby. She says that the heartbeat might already be gone..." Olivia whimpered.

"What? Liv!" Elliot exclaimed.

"It happens I guess... and the baby just isn't gonna make it. Yeah, I've been crying because I'm heartbroken. But I'll be okay." Olivia whimpered.

"Do you want me to come and get you?" Elliot asked.

"No. I want to be alone for a bit. I'll be home in about twenty minutes. Bye." Olivia breathed, before hanging up. Elliot sat his phone down as tears welled in his eyes.

He didn't expect for his day to turn out like this.


Olivia told Elliot to go into work when she got home, so he went. He went into the precinct and felt like his eyes were on fire since he had cried the whole way in.

"Hey, are you high?" Fin asked, as soon as Elliot walked in.

"No, my eyes aren't red because I'm high." Elliot huffed.

"Then why are they red?" Fin asked.

"None of your business." Elliot shot back before feeling tears well in his eyes again. All he wanted to do was go home to his wife and kids and be there when it all started.

"Hey, you can tell me, Stabler," Fin spoke because he was honestly concerned about Elliot.

"Liv's pregnant... but they said she's gonna lose the baby. Soon." Elliot breathed, as he broke down again. He started to sob right there at his desk, and everyone started to stare at him. But Elliot didn't care. He was just trying to figure out what to feel right now when his wife was going to be going through so much pain.

"What? Why?" Fin breathed, as he sank down beside Elliot's desk.

"The baby's heartbeat is weak. They said that it'll probably just end up being a miscarriage. She'll just start bleeding and our baby will be gone... she is so upset that she's pushing me away." Elliot whimpered.

"What's happening?" Cragen asked as he came out of his office and saw two of his detectives talking. He could already see the tears on Elliot's cheeks from where he stood.

"He needs the rest of the day off, Cap." Fin spoke.

"Wanna tell me why?" Cragen sighed. He was tired of his detectives just taken days off whenever they seem to want a break.

"Because Liv's not doing good. I need to be with her." Elliot breathed.


"I'll catch you up on it. Just let him go."


When Elliot got home, Maureen and Josiah were on the front steps. Elliot was beyond confused.

"What's happening?" Elliot asked.

"Momma asked for us to go outside... she's sick." Maureen breathed.

"How sick?" Elliot asked.

"She's not good, Daddy. She's crying."

"Okay. Maureen take Siah out back. I'll go check on her." Elliot spoke. He walked his kids over to the gate and he lifted them over it because he didn't want them to come after him. Elliot quickly went inside and heard Olivia's moaning from downstairs. He quickly ran up the stairs and found his wife laying on her side on the bed.


"Go away!" She sobbed. Elliot walked over to her and sat beside her on the floor. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly as she cried.

"What's happening?" Elliot asked quietly.

"I called my doctor and told her that I was cramping. She said that it was happening... then I started to bleed. Elliot, I'm losing the baby." She cried. Elliot felt tears run down his cheeks again. He reached out and caressed her hair gently.

"But you won't have to go through this alone... should we go to the hospital just in case?" Elliot asked.

"I don't know. Just don't leave me." She sobbed.

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