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Elliot and Serena drove around the area surrounding the restaurant. Serena and Elliot kept calling out Jackie's name, but there was no response. Serena was panicking, and Elliot tried to keep her calm, but it was hard to keep someone you hate, calm.

"Alright, I'm going to call Liv and tell her to head to the precinct. She can get the crew to start looking for Jackie." Elliot spoke, as he pulled over onto the side of the road and looked at Serena. From her profile, he could see that Olivia looked like her in ways he didn't want to see. He didn't want Olivia to look anything like Serena because that meant they were always connected in some way.

"Please, can we keep looking?" Serena whimpered, as she looked over at Elliot.

"I think it's time we get more people to look. I'll drop you off at your place." Elliot spoke.

"No. I'm staying in town. So is my husband and the kids. Just help me look more!" She exclaimed.

"Let me call Liv. Then we can continue to look." Elliot sighed.


"Hello?" Olivia questioned, as she shut the door to Maureen's room after tucking her in for the night.

"Hey, baby. Uh, can you head into the precinct and get their help? We can't find Jackie, but we are gonna continue to drive around to try and find her." Elliot sighed.

"Maybe she went home. Has she even tried to call back home?" Olivia asked as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, but she isn't there. And she isn't picking up her phone." Elliot replied.

"Great. Okay, I'll drop Mo off at the sitter's and I'll head in." Olivia frowned. All she wanted to do was sleep, but instead, she had to go to the station house and work on finding a girl that didn't even like her.

"Babe, I love you. I'm sorry that this had to happen." Elliot frowned, from where he stood outside of the car so he had more privacy to talk to his wife.

"Yeah, well this just had happened right now. Jackie is such an attention whore, clearly." Olivia frowned.

"Okay, just go in but then go back home and get some sleep," Elliot spoke because he didn't want her and Serena to get into a fight when they finally went to the station house.

"No, I'm fine."


Olivia went to the precinct and got everyone notified about Jackie missing. Olivia gave them the family picture Serena gave Olivia when they first start to talk, and they blew up the picture of Jackie and handed it out.

"Alright, this is Jackie Baldwin. She is 5'5, about 105 pounds. Her hair is shorter than in this picture, and she has the ends dyed dark blue. She was last seen wearing a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a pair of high tops, and a dark purple sweater." Olivia spoke, as she talked to a large number of officers that were probably going to waste their time trying to find Jackie who was probably doing this just for attention.

"Detective, why are we looking for her when she hasn't even been missing that long?" An officer asked, and Cragen spoke up.

"She's a kid running around in Manhattan. We know about the predators, and we just want to get her home to her parents. Her siblings. So, if you see her, put her in cuffs if you need too. Bring her back here and we can reunite her with her parents and siblings." Cragen spoke, as he stood beside Olivia. The officers paired up with their partners and they left. Olivia looked at the crew and sighed.

"I'm sorry, guys. This is probably not what you want to be spending your night doing." She sighed.

"She's Serena's kid, right?" Fin asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, but she's not my sister so please don't make that mistake," Olivia replied.

"We won't." Munch yawned, as he leaned back in his chair.

"Benson, can I talk to you real quick?" Cragen asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Oh, well before Captain takes me into his office and asks, I'd like to tell you guys that Elliot and I are having a baby. And yes, sir, I understand that I'm now on desk duty." Olivia sighed, but she still walked into his office and sat down. Cragen looked at the other two members of his crew and shrugged.

"Not what I was gonna ask her, but I guess it's good to know."


Olivia sat at her desk and just waited. Elliot was bringing Serena up here, and then Elliot and Olivia were going to search the last area that they didn't have enough officers to cover. When she heard the elevator ding, Olivia stood up and walked into the hallway and saw Elliot and Serena walk out of the elevator.

"Did you find her?!" Serena exclaimed as she went running to Olivia.

"No, we haven't. There are officers out looking for her, and Elliot and I are going to head out now to help." She spoke, before grabbing Elliot's hand and turning him around. 

"Shouldn't we at least make sure she gets comfortable?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"She can figure this out. C'mon."

They got back into the elevator, and Olivia hit the button to take them down. She looked at him and he could see that she was nervous.

"Liv?" He questioned.

"I told Fin, John, and Cragen that we are having a baby." She spoke, and he smiled a bit.

"That's good. Are you okay?" He asked, and she nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just trying to figure this all out. Like why would Serena come to us? Because I'm pretty sure Jackie wouldn't want me out there looking for her because she hates me." Olivia sighed.

"Serena was pretty damn upset not only about Jackie running away but because of what Jackie said to you." Elliot frowned.

"You know, for a few minutes I kinda thought maybe that Cole, Ruby, Jackie and myself could be siblings. You know? Like that, we could go over to Serena's for holidays and for birthdays, but instead, they hate me because I'm not a Baldwin."

"Maybe things will change," Elliot spoke.

"Maybe, but I know that possibly having a family with them might not be worth the pain."

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