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Rome. Rome was the destination for Olivia and Elliot's honeymoon. Olivia was told where all of the best places to eat classic Italian food was, and she knew where all of the historical spots were throughout all of Italy. She had traveled here before, but when she came after her senior year of college, she was alone and thinking of Elliot. Now she was going to explore the city with her husband and the love of her life.

"I'm really gonna miss Maureen." Olivia sighed, as she and Elliot sat together and waited for their flight to board. They had gotten here earlier since they didn't want to leave the night of their wedding. They wanted to spend that with family and Maureen, before slipping away for a week in Italy.

"I'm gonna miss her too, but she's going to have so much fun staying with your parents in Buffalo for the week. And when we get back she'll be having so much fun living with us and having a Mommy and a Daddy." Elliot spoke, and Olivia bit her lip as she uncrossed than recrossed her legs.

"Can I let her call me Mommy if she wants?" Olivia breathed.

"Why are you asking me? Ask the girl." He chuckled.

"Well, I'm asking you because you are her father. I didn't know if you wanted me to take the full active role of being her mother, or if you wanted to still save that for Kathy when she is ready to step up?"

"Kathy will not be stepping up any time soon. She has a few kids with this man she met. She's living in Portland."

"Maureen is only 5... she decided that she was ready to be a mother, what when Maureen was just starting to sit up by herself?" Olivia exclaimed.

She was angry. So angry. She couldn't understand why Maureen's mother didn't want her. Olivia fell in love with Maureen so quickly that she didn't know if she fell in love with Elliot quicker or with Maureen quicker.

"Liv, she's your kid, okay? Don't try and slow down what is happening, because she is your daughter now."

"I'm a mom," Olivia whispered, as she looked over at her husband.

"You are a mom. Maureen asked me the same thing also. She didn't know if you were okay with her calling you Mommy." Elliot spoke, as he reached over and rubbed Olivia's back.

"S-she did?"

"Oh yeah. She did and I told her that if she wanted to that she should just call you Mommy. And I'm sure it will be the thing she yells when we get off the plane next week."


Olivia and Elliot sat in a small family restaurant in the middle of Rome. Elliot and Olivia had pretty much eaten in almost every restaurant in a mile radius of their hotel. Elliot said he wanted to know exactly what food Olivia had been fed and learned to make her whole life, and that was his excuse for being so hungry.

It was the last day in Rome, and even after all the fun they had, they both wanted to go back to Manhattan to see Maureen. They wanted to really start their lives together, and the only place they could think of doing that is in Manhattan.

"I'm so full." Elliot moaned, as he leaned back in his chair and went to unbutton his jeans, but he saw the look his wife had on her face and he just rested his hands on his legs.

"You didn't have to eat more. You were asking for a stomach ache and we have a long flight." Olivia smiled, as grabbed the napkin and wiped her mouth off.

"Oh fuck." He groaned. He stood up and pulled his wallet out before grabbing his money.

Olivia stood up and grabbed her purse before putting it over her head and draping it over her body.

"Let's get to the airport." She smiled, and Elliot nodded.

"I'd rather stay here and have them send Maureen over so we can live here forever."

"Nope. I like the cold winters of Manhattan and the sounds of my handcuffs when I arrest someone."


The flight was long and Elliot was miserable the whole way, but as soon as they got into JFK, he started to feel better and was ready to see his daughter. Their daughter.

Olivia and Elliot gathered their bags before heading towards the stairs. They took them nearly two at a time, and as they made it closer to the exit they saw Denise and Collin Sr. standing with Maureen and holding a sign that said "Welcome Home Mommy and Daddy!". Olivia felt tears well in her eyes as she pushed her bag into her husband's hand before running towards Maureen.

"Mommy!" Maureen cried, which made Olivia start to cry harder. She wrapped her arms around Maureen and held her close.

"Oh, Mo. I've missed you so much. And I love you, so very much. Never forget that alright? Never forget that." Olivia whispered as she held Maureen close.

"I love you too, Mommy." Maureen sobbed. It wasn't sad tears, they were happy tears. Olivia had always wanted a daughter, and now she has one. And Maureen had always wanted a mother, and now she has one.

The union between Elliot and Olivia was exactly what everyone wanted, and as Elliot watched his wife and daughter reunite after a week of being apart, he wished that he had reunited with Olivia sooner so Maureen wouldn't have had to go through so much time without having a mom.


Olivia and Elliot had written a letter to the Police Commissioner and was allowed to stay and work together at SVU. But the happiness wasn't lasting long for Elliot. He got a call from Olivia when she was at the grocery store with Maureen, and he found out that his mother had approached them. She had seen their engagement and marriage notice in the paper and decided that since Elliot was happy she wanted to ruin it.

"Leave right now, Liv." Elliot huffed.

"El, we have to-"

"No. I mean it. Leave the store right now. I'll tell you why when you get home, but right now I can't have you talking to her. Please. For the sake of Maureen."

"Oh... okay. We will leave. But I want answers. Not small stupid ones, but true honest ones."

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