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Olivia and Elliot didn't hear from Serena after they found Jackie. Olivia was still angry at her, and that would never change. Olivia stared to use the punching bag down in the basement, which helped her keep her anger at bay. 

As the weeks went by and Olivia got more used to not having Serena in her life again, Olivia and Elliot's baby grew larger and stronger. Maureen still couldn't stop talking about the fact that she was going to be a big sister, and that she was going to be a big sister to a baby brother.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Olivia huffed from the kitchen. Elliot and Maureen were working on her homework in the living room, while Olivia was reading the newspaper in the kitchen. Elliot and Maureen exchanged glances, before Elliot stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Babe?" Elliot asked, as he watched Olivia tear up the front page of the newspaper.

"I'm done." She mumbled, before taking the torn up bits of paper and tossing them into the garbage can.

"What happened? You were just reading the newspaper." Elliot replied. Olivia turned around to look at him, as she crossed her swell and stared at her husband.

"Serena's husband is moving his company's HQ to Manhattan. They wrote about it and how it was bringing a ton of jobs to our city. And guess where they are going to be living?" Olivia spat.

"I'm assuming near either our neighborhood or right near the precinct?" Elliot asked.

"That huge building that they fixed up two blocks from the precinct. The one with the fancy ass apartments and penthouse. I want to scream." She huffed. Elliot frowned as he walked over to his wife and grabbed her by her waist. 

He pulled her close and forced her to lay her head against his shoulder. Olivia groaned angerily as Maureen came into the kitchen.

"Momma? What's wrong?" Maureen questioned.

"Momma is having a tiny meltdown, Mo. Can you take your homework upstairs and work on it?" Elliot spoke, and Maureen nodded. She turned and walked out of the kitchen as Olivia stepped away from her husband.

"I swear to god that if they show up at the precinct to do their victory tour, I will pull my weapon and shoot Serena." Olivia spoke, and Elliot had to admit that she hasn't been this angry in awhile. 

"I'll be keeping your weapon then. Babe, just don't worry about them. You know that they are doing this to piss you off. But we can't let them see that you are angry. We are happy! Smile, Livvie! Smile because we are having a baby boy!" Elliot exclaimed, before reaching out and forcing the corners of his wife's lips up to force a smile.

Olivia smacked his hands away before sighing.

"I'm calling my Mom."


Olivia was angry the rest of the night, but it was more of a quiet anger. She didn't swear or go downstairs to hit the punching bag. She just always seemed to have a bitchy expression on her face.

This quiet anger lasted for a week, but then it faded away when they went to another checkup and got to see their son.

"He's getting so big." Olivia smiled for the first time in a week. She was looking at the sonogram picture as Elliot drove them to the precinct.

"Thankfully he doesn't look like he has my nose." Elliot smiled, as he looked over at his wife. She laughed softly, as she ran her finger tips over her swollen midsection.

"I wouldn't mind if he looked like you. That's kinda the whole point of me procreating with you." She grinned. Elliot laughed softly, before reaching over and placing his hand against the side of her swell and smiled when he felt his son kick his hand.

A Preschool Promise [A Bensler FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now