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Elliot stayed at the precinct that night, while Olivia took care of Maureen at home. Olivia tried her best to not let Maureen find out that her Daddy wasn't coming home because he and Olivia had gotten into a fight.

Olivia did the normal routine with Maureen. Maureen ate a snack and did her homework, and once that was done Olivia checked it. Then Olivia and Maureen made dinner together, and they watched Aladin together while they ate it. Once dinner was done, Maureen took a bath and then she and her beloved stepmother played for a bit before bed. But by the time Maureen was asleep, Olivia started to feel that lonely feeling she got whenever her husband wasn't with her.

Olivia laid down in her bed, but then she started to feel anxious and upset. She sat up and pulled her robe on before walking downstairs. She grabbed the landline and dialed Elliot's desk number.


"Manhattan SVU, Detective Stablers speaking." Elliot yawned into his phone as he answered it.

"El?" Olivia questioned slowly and completely unsure if her husband would just hang up on her or not.

"Is Mo okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah, she's sleeping. Uh, can we talk?" Olivia asked, and Elliot sighed on his side of the line as he looked around at the darkened squad room.

"I'm kinda busy. Can it wait?" Elliot huffed. Olivia could hear his anger through the phone and it made her shake a bit.

"Maybe we should've waited longer." Olivia frowned, as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Geez, what the heck are you talking about?" Elliot frowned.

"Maybe we should've gotten to know each other more before we got married. Then maybe we wouldn't be fighting like this. Sleep well." Olivia huffed before hanging up. 

Elliot sat the phone back down before leaning back in his desk chair. He knew that he should feel bad, but he was trying his best to keep his wife and daughter safe from the crazy woman who mothered him.


Olivia did Maureen's morning routine, before taking her to school. Once the little girl was in her class and ready for learning whatever they were learning that day, she went to the precinct. She walked in and saw her husband eating breakfast at his desk. She eyed him as she took her jacket off, but he didn't even look up at her.

"Maureen missed you last night, so you are doing pick up and her night and then morning routines," Olivia spoke, as she hung her jacket on the back of her chair.

"Sure." Elliot sighed, as his wife walked over to get coffee. As she poured the hot liquid into her cup, she just wanted to pummel her husband. She was so pissed at him, but in their place of work wasn't where they should fight.

"Ah, Stablers go down to Central Park, there was a body found," Cragen spoke, before turning out and walking back into his office.

Olivia looked at her husband and saw that he didn't look too happy that they would be sitting in a car during morning traffic, giving his wife plenty of time to yell at him.


Olivia sat in the passenger side seat with her arms crossed over her chest. She kept her eyes trained to whatever she could focus on outside the window, while her husband tapped the steering wheel with his thumbs.

"Can you stop that, please?" Olivia questioned, as she didn't even bother to look over at Elliot. He sighed a bit but didn't stop. Olivia quickly turned to look at him.

"Stop being a jackass and stop tapping your thumbs on the damn wheel." Olivia spat. She watched as he sped the tapping up a bit before she physically pulled one of his hands from the wheel.

"I hate you so much right now, and this isn't helping." Olivia spat.

"Well get over it, darling."

Elliot was being more of an asshole then he has ever been to her before. She was angry, and he was angry, so nothing good was going to come from them working together on whatever this case was going to be.

"So, do you really think we should've waited longer before getting married?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she ran her hands through her hair.

"You really made me angry, Elliot." Olivia frowned.

"Just tell me, Liv. Do you think we should've waited longer to get married?"

"Right now, yes." She breathed, her heart breaking a bit as she said those words. She loves her husband, but she doesn't like him right now. She hated him for treating her like she didn't have the capacity to decide if being in contact with Bernie was good or not for Maureen. He's told her many times that Maureen is her daughter, but now Olivia felt like Maureen was just Elliot's kid, even if she loves her like her own.

"Great." He huffed.

"Well don't you agree? This is our first big fight, and it's so bad that you won't even come home to sleep in the same bed as me."

"You kicked me out of our room, Olivia!"

"Yeah, well this is my life too."

"No, this-"

"I'm your wife! And even if I want it to be true, you don't let me make choices in regards to Maureen like you do!" Olivia spat, before opening the door to the sedan. They were stalled in traffic, and it wasn't going to be moving anytime soon. She slammed the door shut and walked around cars until she reached the sidewalk. She started to head towards Central Park, as Elliot opened the window and yelled at her to get back in the car. He complained about her creating a scene, but he was the one yelling at her.


They didn't make up that night, and Elliot went home to spend time with Maureen. As he was getting her curls brushed out after her bath, Maureen spoke.

"Daddy, are you and Mommy okay?" Maureen asked.

"Olivia and I are okay." Elliot sighed. Maureen tensed up a bit because Olivia was only referred to as Mommy.

"No, you aren't." She huffed.

"Excuse me?" Elliot asked as he turned his daughter around to look at him.

"Stop lying to me, Daddy. If you make me lose my Mommy, I'll never forgive you!"

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