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Elliot eventually calmed down and he and his wife walked upstairs. Maureen listened to Olivia and was still working on homework in the living room. She had turned the TV on and was watching some cartoons while also working on her homework. Olivia wondered if she had heard some of the things that Elliot was saying, and was using the sound to drown out what was happening in the basement.

"Hey, darling. Are you hungry yet?" Elliot asked, as he walked over and sat down on the couch behind Maureen.

"Are you and Momma fighting?" Maureen questioned, as she looked over her shoulder and at her parents.

"I was upset, Mo. Momma refused to leave me here alone when I was that upset, so I tried to get her to leave. But she stuck by me. Because we love each other so much." Elliot spoke. He leaned forward and kissed the blonde curls that covered his daughter's head, before leaning back against the sofa.

"Are you sure? It's not going to be like before, right?" Maureen asked.

"That will never happen again, Mo. Daddy and I don't want to cook tonight, would you want to join us for some dinner? Possibly pancakes with blackberries on them at Shelly's dinner?" Olivia spoke, and Maureen nodded quickly.

"Yes, please!"


Maureen didn't worry about her parents' relationship after seeing how they acted during dinner. She could tell that what her father said was true. She still didn't know why her father was trying to push her mother away, but she decided that they'd tell her at some point.

"I think I should go talk to her," Olivia spoke.

"What?" Elliot questioned, as he joined his wife in bed.

"I think I'm going to go talk to Serena. Test the waters and see if I gave her some of my time if she'll stay out of my life."

"Babe, you don't need the stress," Elliot replied.

"It's okay, Elliot. I just don't want her around anymore. And if she decides I'm not worth her time, that will make it all easier."

"You won't be disappointed if she says she doesn't want anything to do with you?" Elliot questioned, and his wife shook her head.

"I won't. Because I have you, Maureen, my parents, and four annoying brothers and their wives. And just think about it, I have another thing to live for." Olivia grinned. She reached out and grabbed Elliot's hand and squeezed it gently.

"I guess. But don't let it get to you. Try not to get stressed out, because we can't risk the baby's life."

"And we won't. I will, but I'll try my hardest to stay stress-free." Olivia grinned. She pulled her husband closer and kissed him deeply. He snaked his arms around her body and started to make out with her.


Olivia waited a week before driving over on her day off. She parked on the side of the road outside of the Baldwin house. She was surprised that she wasn't as upset as she had anticipated. She was actually a bit excited, which shocked Elliot when she told him this morning.

Olivia climbed out of her car and took her jacket off before tossing it into the passenger seat. Then she grabbed her purse and walked towards the house.

She went to knock on the door, but it swung open and she stepped out of the way to let the three teenagers walk out.

"Bye Mom! Also, someone is here!" Jackie yelled as she walked past Olivia.

"What? Jackie!" Serena exclaimed, as she quickly walked to the front door. But then she stopped when she saw Olivia standing there.

"Olivia." She breathed.

"Hey, Serena. Are you free to talk?" Olivia asked, and Serena nodded.

"Y-yeah. Come in."


Olivia sat on the edge of a bar stool, as Serena walked around the kitchen as she prepared tea. She had offered to whip up something for breakfast, but Olivia said she had eaten breakfast with her daughter and husband already.

"How long have you and Elliot been married?" Serena asked.

"About a year," Olivia replied.

"And you already have a daughter together and are pregnant again!?" Serena exclaimed.

"No! Uh, Elliot has a daughter from his previous marriage. I've been helping him raise her because her mother wants nothing to do with her." Olivia spoke. She grabbed the teacup after Serena placed it in front of her, and she took a small drink from it.

"It takes a lot of courage to take over for someone else and help raise a child." Serena breathed.

"She's perfect. She's so beautiful and smart." Olivia spoke. She didn't want to tell Serena about how Maureen is dyslexic.

"Do you have a picture of her?" Serena asked, testing the waters a bit. Olivia opened her purse and took Maureen's school picture from her wallet.

"This is her." Olivia smiled. Serena took the picture into her hand and smiled gently.

"She's stunning. She has your husband's blue eyes."

"She is a lot like him, thankfully." Olivia breathed. The kitchen grew silent after Olivia put Maureen's picture away.

Olivia didn't want to give Serena anything that she didn't ask for. She wanted Serena to try.

"So you got adopted..." Serena trailed off. Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I was adopted by an amazing couple in Buffalo. I have 4 brothers, 2 older and 2 younger."

"Were two younger boys born by the time you were there?" She questioned, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah. The oldest is 33, the youngest 29." Olivia breathed.

"Your siblings are 17, 16, and 14." She spoke.

"How old are you, Serena?" Olivia asked. She didn't know how someone who has a 31-year-old, now has teenagers.

"I'm 51. I was a year short of graduating from college when I had you." Serena breathed.

"Well, at least you got the life you wanted," Olivia whispered.


"Please don't try and make it sound like you had wanted me. I know you didn't. And right now, we need to decide."

"Decide what?" Serena asked.

"Is this time we are spending right now enough to hold you over till you die? Or do you want to really be a part of my life? Because right now, stress needs to stay out of my life. I gotta keep the wellbeing of my husband, daughter, and my baby in my mind. So, are you going to be a very toxic person, or are you going to be someone I want in my life?" 

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