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Olivia left the kitchen to find her phone and call the caseworker about not being able to foster the children anymore. As she was doing that, Elliot went to find Josiah. He needed to talk to him about how he reacted. He may only be 4, but he needed to realize that he needed to help others. Even if it doesn't seem like he wants too, he will be thankful he helped in the end.

"Joey?" Elliot asked as he moved towards the small closet under the stairs. His son had set up a fort in here, and he knew that he'd escape to here.

"Daddy, go away," Josiah replied, and Elliot sighed as he sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the door. He knocked before sighing.

"Mr. Stabler, I think that you and I need to talk. You really hurt Momma's feelings, and we need to talk about that and see if we can make a deal." Elliot spoke, and hearing that he hurt his mother's feelings led Josiah to open up the door.

"I hurt Momma?" Josiah asked.

"She's crying, Joey. I know you didn't mean to do that, but why don't you want the kids to come to stay with us?" Elliot asked.

"Because I don't want Noah in my room, Daddy! He is just a stupid baby." Josiah huffed.

"He's your brother, Josiah. Don't forget that." Elliot warned.

"Why can't Maureen get him in her room? She loves playing Mommy so she can just use him instead of her baby dolls!" Josiah exclaimed.

"Honey, it won't be forever. And if it becomes a problem, I'll talk to Momma and see if we can move Noah into our room. Then you don't have to have him sleep in there anymore." Elliot spoke, as he reached his hand out to his son. Josiah eyed it for a moment before stepping out and sitting on his father's lap. Josiah hugged his father tightly as he rested his head against his chest.

"Want me to go apologize to Momma?" Josiah sighed.

"Only if you think it's the right thing to do," Elliot replied.


Elliot took Josiah outback where Olivia was waiting for the caseworker to call back. He let go of Josiah's hand and the little boy went walking quickly to his mother.

"Momma?" Josiah asked, and Olivia shook in her spot. She didn't expect her son to be coming back out to talk to her. He used to be able to get away with murder in this house, but now since Noah is the baby he doesn't get away with much anymore.

"Hey, baby. I thought you were upstairs." Olivia breathed, as she brushed a few tears from her cheek.

"I was hiding in my fort." He replied, as he walked around and stood in front of her. Olivia reached out and brushed a crumb from his cheek.

"You should go back inside and finish breakfast. Then we need to have a serious talk about your attitude." Olivia sighed.

"Momma, the kids come to stay with us." He breathed, as he fidgeted in his spot a bit.


"No! Momma, let's do it!" He exclaimed, as he quickly climbed onto her lap. He placed his hands against her cheeks and pushed them in and smiled as he watched her lips get scrunched together.

"If you don't-" She struggled to speak because her child was squishing her face.

"Momma, it's all good! Noah can sleep in my room and I'll get used to it!" Josiah exclaimed, before kissing his mother's forehead. It was a little sloppy, but Olivia wasn't bothered by that.

"Honestly, if you don't want them here, we won't foster them. This is your home, and you need to still feel good being here." Olivia breathed.

"I'll get more people to play with. Maureen only wants to play house so that means I have to be the Daddy and it's not fun." Josiah huffed, and Olivia laughed softly before pulling him tightly to her chest.

"Thank you, baby. You are the best." She breathed before kissing his hair.

"Anytime, Momma." He giggled as he relaxed in her arms.


The rest of the night was full of planning. The next morning, Elliot would go into work later so that he could help rearrange the rooms. He would also take Noah and Josiah to the furniture store to pick up to more beds and the frames for them.

"Are you absolutely positive that you want us to foster the little boy and girl?" Olivia asked as she brushed out her son's curls after his bath.

"Momma, stop asking!" Josiah exclaimed.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, but I just want to be completely sure. So, are you ready for bed? Tonight is the last night you will have your own room." Olivia breathed, as she lifted her son up and carried him over to his bed. She sat him down on it and went to turn on his nightlight.

"I'm not sleepy though, Momma. Can't I stay up and hang out with you and Daddy?" Josiah asked. His mother laughed her response and he huffed as he sank down under his sheets. Olivia walked over and tucked him in before kissing his forehead. She rubbed his chest gently for several minutes before his eyes grew tired and he could barely keep them open.

"You are such an amazing little boy, Josiah. I love you so very much. Thank you for wanting to help these children." Olivia breathed.

"I just didn't want Noah to share my room at first... but he's my brother and I love him." Josiah yawned.

"Oh, I know. And you'll get used to it. Now, close your eyes and have amazing dreams, my little man. Daddy will be in here to say goodnight in a few minutes and help you dream good dreams." Olivia whispered. She leaned forward and kissing his forehead a few times, before standing and moving to the door. She opened it and smiled when she saw her husband reaching for the handle.

"Is he ready for his story?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah. Thank you for talking to him, El. This is a good choice for our whole family."

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