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Olivia smiled at Thomas as he held her hand as they walked from the hospital where he had gotten his new prosthetic fitted. He was skipping beside her as his eyes lit up. He was so excited about everything now, and it made Olivia's heart soar. After only two months of them being with them, they completely fit in with their family.

"So, can we get something to eat? I'm starving." Thomas spoke, and Olivia looked at him with wide eyes.

"Did you just ask if we could do something special?" Olivia questioned, as she stopped walking as a car drove in front of them. She made sure the parking lot was clear before they crossed towards her car.

"Maybe," Thomas replied with a small smile. They got to the van and Olivia lifted Thomas into the van. She smiled at him as he got situated in his car seat.

"Thomas?" Olivia asked quietly.


"I love you," Olivia spoke, and Thomas' eyes went wide.

"You do?" He asked.

"I love you so much. I love Ava Lane so much too. I know that it is weird for me to tell you this only after fostering you for-"

"I love you too, Livia," Thomas spoke, as he leaned forward and hugged her tightly. Olivia felt a few tears run down her cheeks.

"I'm so glad that I didn't scare you away," Olivia whispered.


They went home and Denise stood up from where she had been helping the kids with homework and she smiled.

"Well don't you look happy." Denise smiled, before she walked over to Thomas and hugged him tightly.

"Look at my arm, Denny! Isn't it nice?!" Thomas exclaimed, and the other kids came over to check it out. Olivia walked over and picked up Noah from where he was whining about not being to be with everyone else. Olivia sat Noah on his feet and he stared up at the rest of them with wide eyes.

"Ava Lane, Livia has something to say to you," Thomas spoke out of nowhere, and Olivia felt her cheeks grow hot.

"Yeah?" Ava Lane asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before moving to her and hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Ava Lane." Olivia breathed quietly.

"Tommy only says he loves me... no one else ever has." Ava Lane started to sob. Olivia lifted her up and held the small girl close as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I can never stop loving you and Thomas..."

They all went back to work on homework, and Olivia went to clean up her face because she didn't want Elliot to come home and see that she had been crying.


After a total of 3 months with the Stablers, Thomas and Ava Lane had a meeting with their caseworker. She wanted to ask them some questions about their stay with the Stablers and how they were liking it. Olivia dropped the kids off and waited out in the waiting room for them to come back out.

"So, would you two like some milk and cookies? Then you two can snack while we talk?" Gretchen asked, and the kids nodded. Gretchen could already tell that they were more confident and even they didn't actually vocalize their want for the cookies, but they did smile when she asked them that.

She walked them over to a table and the kids sat down and started to drink their milk and eat their cookies while she got ready to take notes.s

"So, how do you like Mr. and Mrs. Stabler?"

"They are awesome! They love us and they take such good care of us!" Thomas exclaimed, and Gretchen chuckled and smiled.

"Good. Did they tell you that they love you?" She questioned.

"Yeah, they say it to us every night before bed. Just like they do to Maureen, Josiah, and Noah." Ava Lane replied quickly.

"Good. Now, what about school? Do you like the school you go too?" Gretchen asked.

"Mrs. Stabler teaches us from home. She does a really good job and she lets us move at our own pace." Thomas replied.

"Oh, so you stay at the house all the time?" Gretchen asked, her voice full of concern.

"No. There is this home school group or something that Livia is apart of. We go once a week and play games and go swimming. We go to the museum all the time and the park. It's awesome!" Thomas replied.

"And do you each have your own room?" Gretchen questioned.

"No, we share a room but they are looking for a bigger house for all of us!" Ava exclaimed, her sweet little squeal bringing a smile to Gretchen's lips.

"You really like it there, don't you?" She questioned quietly.

"We have never had someone love us or care for us how they do. Ms. Gretchen, can they adopt us? I want them to be our parents. We want them to be our parents." Thomas spoke, as he grabbed his little sister's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Okay. So your parents are in big trouble so they won't be out of jail for a very long time. Are you two sure that you want to be Stablers?" Gretchen questioned, and she wasn't shocked when they started to nod.

"We really want them to be our parents. And we love our siblings and don't want to leave them behind." 


Gretchen sent the kids down to the playroom before asking Olivia to join her in her office. Olivia sat down and several piles of papers were sat in front of her.

"Olivia, I need you to take these home and start filling them out. You and Elliot will both have to go through them together and sign and initial them. So, then once these are filled out and filed you will get a court day and then Thomas and Ava Lane will be your children." Gretchen spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Wait, what?" She asked quickly.

"The kids absolutely love you and your husband. They love their siblings and that you home school them. I think that you make the perfect parents for them and that they will be better off with you two."

"So we can adopt them? Like, it's not the same with Ellie where we had to go talk to her and get permission?"

"No. But I do recommend that you guys get a bigger place soon. Your kids are getting older and need more space."

"Oh my god. Thanks so much." Olivia sniffled.

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