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"What?" Serena asked.

"Are you actually going to want to be a part of my life, of the lives of my children? Because if this is just you trying to make yourself look good to me but you don't want to put the effort in, this isn't gonna work out."

"I want your siblings to know you."

"And your husband?"

"Anthony knows about you, but I don't know what he wants to do." She breathed.

"What about the kids? Do you think Jackie will ask questions because I showed up on your doorstep even before they left for school?"

"She will. She's very curious just like Ruby and Cole."

"Well, talk to them. Ask them and if they don't, then it's okay. I'm pretty sure my parents and brothers don't want anything to do with you." Olivia spoke. She stood up and grabbed her jacket off the back of the stool.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving?" Serena exclaimed.

"I have to go to the precinct. My husband is going to want to hear all about this." She replied. Olivia turned to walk towards the front door, but Serena grabbed her arm and stopped her. Olivia turned around and saw tears on Serena's cheeks.

"Please stay longer. I wanna spend more time with you. I wanna talk more." Serena spoke eagerly.

"Uh, okay then. Yeah. I can stay longer."

"Thank you. I want to spend time with you and be like a mother to you if you are fine having two of them."


Olivia and Serena talked about a lot. They talked about the 5 years they were living in the same place together. How Serena had been addicted to drugs and booze.

They talked about Elliot and Olivia's special relationship, how they were in love in preschool. Olivia told Serena about how her parents found her and how special are to her. 

Serena talked about her kids, and how she had another son, Edward. How he passed away shortly after he was born, and that's why there was a bigger gap between Ruby and Jackie.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay and meet your siblings? They are all coming home tonight right after school." Serena spoke, as she walked Olivia out to her car.

"I have a kid I need to pick up from school. Then she has ballet tonight and she wants me to watch her practice." Olivia spoke.

"Oh, okay. Uh, when can I meet her?" Serena breathed.

"Eventually. We just need more time to get to know each other first. And maybe after we tell her about the baby. We don't want you accidentally spill that little secret." Olivia replied.

"When are you going to tell her?"

"8 weeks. We are going to take her out for a special dinner and tell her. She will be so excited." Olivia smiled. She unlocked her car and looked at Serena.

"I'm sure she will be. Uh, I'll see you around." Serena spoke.

"Probably not but I'll call you soon. Bye, Serena."

Serena drew Olivia into a hug, and Olivia hugged her back. They said another goodbye before Olivia got into her car and drove away.


8 Weeks Later

Every couple of weeks for the next two months, Olivia would go over to Serena's on her day off and talk to her and spend time with her. They talked about a lot, and Olivia wrote letters to her siblings to explain what had happened in the past and how she'd like to meet them and get to know them.

"Good thing that tonight is the night we tell my parents and Maureen because my clothes are getting a little tighter." Olivia groaned as she tugged a bit on her dress, but it stuck to her in ways it hadn't before.

"Well, your clothes aren't supposed to fit the same when there is another human inside of you." Elliot smiled. He walked towards her and kissed her gently before handing her his tie. Olivia tied it as she heard Maureen scream that Grandma and Papa were here.

"She just loves your parents," Elliot spoke, as Olivia smoothed his collar down.

"Yeah. But who doesn't." Olivia grinned. She turned and walked back to the closet. She grabbed a pair of heels and slipped them on, before grabbing her purse and sighing.

"Do I look nice?" She asked. Elliot smiled as he looked at his wife.

"Beautiful. Now, let's get downstairs before Maureen brings your parents up here."


They had only planned to bring Maureen to dinner, but then when Denise and Collin said that they were going to be town the same week Olivia was hitting 12 weeks, Olivia and Elliot decided that they'd tell them too.

"What are you going to get for dinner, Mo?" Collin asked as he held Maureen's hand as they followed the waiter to the table.

"Can I get cake, Papa?" She asked, and Collin laughed softly.

"I'm sorry, darling. No cake for dinner." He laughed.

They got to the table and they all sat down together. Maureen started to talk about school right away, and everyone listened to her. She was enjoying school so much more now that she was getting help and didn't fall asleep in class. Her teacher was impressed with her grades going up, and people were understanding her words more when she messed up her spelling a bit.

"So, anything else interesting happening in your lives?" Denise asked as she sat her wine glass down on the table as Collin wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Actually, yeah." Olivia smiled.

"Oh? What's the good news?" Denise questioned.

"Maureen, you know how you were asking for us to give you a baby brother or sister?" Elliot asked, and Maureen nodded.

"Yeah, but nothing has happened yet." She huffed a bit.

"Actually, Maureen, there is a baby in my belly and it has been there for about 3 months," Olivia spoke.

"W-what?" Maureen questioned. Everyone noticed the tears that had started to well in her eyes.

"Honey you are going to be a big sister soon. I even have a sonogram picture that has the baby on it. It's just a tiny thing right now, but it's getting bigger and I know that for a fact." Olivia smiled. Maureen started to cry, so she climbed off her chair and climbed onto Olivia's lap and hugged her tightly.

"Momma, I'm so happy!"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this update and the other ones I have done today. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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