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chapter 1 : you walked into my life when i least expected it

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chapter 1 : you walked into my
life when i least expected it


it was the second semester of school and the winter break had just ended. however, upon seeing kang kyunghee's extraordinary grades, the teachers and the headmaster of her new school decided to move her up a grade. she was a sophomore, but they decided junior year was a better fit for a girl like her.

it was a big jump, from these two grades with socializing and school work, but it would give her many opportunities.

as kyunghee walked into the school that morning, she felt odd to be in the upperclassmen's hall. she shook her head, wondering: how does an average girl like me make these kinds of grades?

actually, the 'smart-gene' ran in the kang family. she thought of her cousin who is also super smart. his name was yeosang, also a junior at geon-cheol high school. kyunghee felt relieved to know someone was there to look after her if all else fails.

kyunghee stood in the front of the classroom on her first day in front of completely different surroundings with completely different people. it was intimidating.

"um, hello, i'm kang kyunghee. i was a sophomore here, but i got moved up, so..." kyunghee quickly bowed to break eye contact with the scary crowd. nobody clapped or anything; she just felt so awkward.

the poor girl rushed to her seat in the back. to the far left of her, she noticed yeosang. he was in a well-known friend group around campus, people call them the school's visuals.

as much as she cared about yeosang - since he was family, kyunghee could not stand yeosang nor his stupid friends. she believed they were all heartless and annoying bad boys who made terrible decisions, and it made her sick.

kyunghee always wondered how yeosang was at the top of his class when all those drugs and alcohol were burning his brain cells by the second.

yeosang looked her way and waved, "hey, miss me?"

she shook her head. yeosang smirked mischievously as his friends watched. they were all so attractive, - but evil - yet a particular boy stood out to her.

as if a spotlight hit him, he seemed perfect - even if he was doing the bare minimum. he was tall and had fluffy blonde hair, sultry eyes underneath his straight brows, full lips, and really, really nice smile. kyunghee watched him laugh through wide eyes as he tilt his head back, laughing. her throat went dry, making her look back at the desk shyly.

what a shame a pretty boy like that is so bad, she thought and sighed.


after her first class as a junior at geon-cheol high, kyunghee somehow managed to find two friends at her exercise class. they were hyoju and junichi, two interesting specimens. only a few hours through, kyunghee knew she loved them.

the trio entered the cafeteria, grabbed some lunch, and sat down at an empty table. hyoju, the bold comedian, opened a conversation up.

"so who's going to mingi's party in a few weeks?" hyoju asked as she ate some cheez-its. she then pointed at kyunghee, "it'll be a good way for you to make some new friends!"

kyunghee nodded thoughtfully, as hyoju then turned to junichi, the shy but cute japanese boy, "and maybe you'll find yourself a girlfriend, jun."

junichi blushed and covered his cheeks with his pretty hands, "w-what? there's no way i could do that... i wasn't even invited!"

kyunghee shrugged then asked, "isn't mingi... the tan one who can break apples?"

"nope, that's jongho. mingi is the super tall and scary one. he has the sharp nose that i want" hyoju told her as she smoothed her nose out.

"oh!" a lightbulb went off in the girl's mind. "he's the baddest one, right?"

"hm, maybe after seonghwa and wooyoung, but yeah, he's bad."

kyunghee bit her lip, "seonghwa? i don't know him, do i?"

hyoju chuckled and pat her arm, "it's a good thing you don't," she advised. "you don't want to be around him."

anxious, kyunghee questioned, "is he yeosang's friend?"

"of course he is!" jun and hyoju both chorused. junichi whispered, "by the way, if i were you, i wouldn't want anyone to know i'm related to yeosang."

hyoju nodded rapidly, "mhm, you can go to court on that fact alone."

at this, kyunghee was startled. had she really not talked to her cousin in so long she didn't know the extent of his behavior? moment by moment, she got so curious about him and his 'gang'.

she didn't realize how dangerous that would become...


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