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chapter 42 : bet nobody else speaks thelittle language between you and me

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chapter 42 : bet nobody else speaks the
little language between you and me


kyunghee went along with the two girls to their black suv in the parking lot. then she asked them, "should i get seonghwa to pick me up or am i going with you guys?"

"duh, you're coming with us, babe." eun squished kyunghee's cheek. "you'll get to meet white wings' members."

"but i'm not initiated yet, am i? since i got sick..." kyunghee sighed and looked down, remembering her embarrassing moment.

"not yet, but maybe i'll recruit you anyway." said eun. eun felt a certain affection for kyunghee for various reasons already, one being that kyunghee strongly resembled eun's sister...

somin cleared her throat and giggled, "lucky. i was initiated by hacking into a tv broadcasting system, and when i say that was difficult..."

eun laughed as she started up the stealthy car, "enough about that, let's get back to the girl cave before sundown. we have to get this art piece cashed out asap."

kyunghee wondered aloud, "girl cave?"

"the girl cave is our headquarters or hideout. cute, right?" somin explained. "now drive, eun."


a small, quaint white house stood in the middle of a wooded forest. it was about forty minutes from the city, secluded and safe. eun sighed in delight as she parted the car in its driveway, "honey, i'm home."

the three girls entered the house, immediately becoming overwhelmed by the odors of expensive perfumes and money. it was familiar, like ateez's, but feminine. kyunghee found it interesting.

they entered the large common room where several girls lounged, exercised, or did work. eun clapped her hands to grab everyone's attention for kyunghee.

"hey, ladies. we're back with a new angel, kang kyunghee. don't bite." eun said.

everyone nodded, some said hello. they were all seemingly pretty cold. that was until one member, jangmi, spoke up, "you look familiar. tell us about yourself."

"well, i'm sixteen and i go to geon-cheol high school. i've never been in a gang, but i hang out with ateez pretty often." she explained.

then kim minseo, one of the most intimidating girls, put down her nunchucks she was practicing with and stared at kyunghee. "ateez? you must be pretty important then."

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