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chapter 34 : you stopped saying goodnight, and i stopped sleeping

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chapter 34 : you stopped saying good
night, and i stopped sleeping


seonghwa walked into school the next day, his feet dragging carelessly. this fight with kyunghee was taking a huge toll on him.

he saw kyunghee as she walked into the school. he could tell she was still very upset, especially because she parked her bike on the opposite side of campus from him.

"kyunghee!" seonghwa called after her, but it was no use; she was ignoring him anyway.

"so have you two broken up yet?"

seonghwa turned around and his blood boiled upon seeing lee hyoju herself. his hands itched to beat her up on the spot, but he restrained himself. he couldn't get what he wanted from her if he sent her to the hospital first.

"we need to talk." he growled lowly.

"you have my attention, pretty boy." hyoju giggled, crossing her arms.

he opened his phone and pointed to her last instagram post. "delete this shit, or i swear i'll kill you."

"it's just an instagram post, seonghwa, calm down." hyoju scoffed and stared at the screen with satisfaction. "i'm guessing this is why kyunghee's pouting."

"delete it." his voice was bold and stern. "i'm not playing around with you."

hyoju chuckled, finding him cute when he was angry. "did you know that one of the freshman boys looks almost exactly like you? i paid him for this picture, so i can't take it down just yet"

"you're psycho." seonghwa frustratedly ran his finger through his hair. "delete it. what do you want? just delete it! now!"

"i'm the psycho? you're the one who's yelling at me to delete an instagram picture because your idiotic girlfriend got mad."

seonghwa was infuriated now. he just glared into hyoju's eyes threateningly. "i said delete it."

"i'm never deleting that post, seonghwa. sorry about it," hyoju blew him a kiss then strut away sassily, knowing he was watching her go.

he was so enraged that he had to kick one of the freshman's bikes down in order to let off some steam. how was he gonna make kyunghee believe him?

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