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chapter 44 : constantly, consistently, continually you

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chapter 44 : constantly,
consistently, continually you


white wings unloaded from eun's pretty car and quickly met up with ateez by the fire. they set up snacks, beverages, and drugs before starting their little party.

seonghwa sat beside kyunghee on a log alone, basking in the warm fire. he asked her, his lips grazing her ears, "should we go swimming?"

"aren't there sharks?" kyunghee chuckled, shrugging.

"we can just stay in the shallowest parts." he suggested. "and what's with the outfit? that's new isn't it?"

"yeah, the girls got it for me." she told him, smiling.

seonghwa nodded, telling her softly, "looks good, but you're gonna have to take it off."

kyunghee stared into his eyes in shock, then glanced around her to see if anyone was listening. "w-what?"

"to swim, you idiot. you do have your bathingsuit right?" he chuckled, standing up. kyunghee let out an 'oh', feeling stupid. seonghwa then extended his hand to his girlfriend.

she took it, and the couple walked near the beach. yunho, mingi, san, xianmei, and somin were there, the boys already in the water. kyunghee removed her clothes and put them with the other girls' things, ready to jump in the water.

wearing only bathing suits was less awkward this go-around now that kyunghee had been through it once. it also helped that she had some friends by her side.

somin, san, and mingi played a game of monkey-in-the-middle with a volleyball. on the other hand, xianmei and yunho were hitting it off pretty well. kyunghee collected pretty shells on the shore while seonghwa accompanied her.

the rest - eun, wooyoung, hongjoong, minseo, jongho, and yeosang - stayed near the fire, drinking alcohol merrily with no regrets.

yeosang approached eun with a smile, "hey, it's been a while since we've spoken."

"yeah, it has." eun shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. "what've you been up to lately?"

"nothing really. now that school is over, things will be more eventful though."

eun nodded, "yup, i think so too."

"eun, you..." yeosang began a sentence and trailed off awkwardly. he sighed. "you look really pretty right now."

"yeosang..." she chuckled. "what's gotten into you? thanks, romeo."

yeosang gave her a slight smile. they enjoyed their romantic little moment. that was, until their attention was grabbed by seonghwa, who was running towards his motorcycle. he was on the phone too.

near the water, kyunghee watched him go with a worried look in her eyes. they found it suspicious. she dropped all of the shells she was collecting in shock, not caring that they all got swept away by the ocean.

yeosang and eun made their way to kyunghee to make sure she's alright, ask questions, and such. they also wanted to know what was wrong with hwa.

"seonghwa got a phone call, and before he started running off, he said he loved me. it was weird..." kyunghee said, just as confused as them.

"he'll be back soon, just enjoy yourself for now, okay?" yeosang told her and pat her head. however, he was troubled, too.

kyunghee nodded and began to walk with them towards the bonfire, not taking her eyes off of seonghwa. he had got onto his bike and put all of his clothes on, and speedily, seonghwa drove away.


when the sun had just completely set for the night, the teenagers had all gathered together by the bonfire to stargaze. a particular buzzing noise evicted mingi from his peaceful state.

he sat up and checked the notification, his face becoming grim upon reading it. wooyoung glanced over, and asked, "what's that?"

soundlessly, mingi showed the younger his screen. wooyoung frowned too.

"grab hongjoong. we gotta go." wooyoung spoke tersely.


it was a little past midnight when kaiga got out of bed. before he snuck out of the yoshikawa household for the night, he draped a long black trench coat on himself. he was hidden well, but still felt the need to put on a mask.

kaiga went by foot to the meeting spot. he didn't want his family to have any way to discover him. truthfully, he was in a gang, one more powerful than ateez or white wings since they were older and more free.

he liked his gang, it suited him very well. it was named cloud nine. kaiga had been a member of it for about four years now. tonight was an important night to the gang, though, and kaiga spent his days prior to plan out this mission.

his plan to have kyunghee to himself was now seamless after much consideration and help from cloud nine. an evil smile coated his face when he arrived to the place.

his fellow gang members were already there, wielding weapons and such. kaiga told them, "seonghwa should be here any moment. i called him not too long ago."

"are you sure? what did you tell him?" one of the members asked.

kaiga cackled and said, "i told him exactly what i'd do if he didn't come: kidnap kyunghee and her family."

before anyone could respond, noises of metal clanging and then a door screeching was heard. kaiga pulled up his mask again, taking a small pistol out of his coat pocket.

he gave a signal to the others, "he's here."


[ a/n ] finally, i released this chapter! everyone
put your seatbelts on because the next few
chapters (aka the last chapters) are gonna
be a wild ride ! does everyone like it so far?

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