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chapter 24 : for me, you're perfect

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chapter 24 : for me, you're perfect


the last day at hongjoong's lake house arrived quicker than they expected. everyone decided to stay in and relax.

seonghwa and kyunghee - innocently - hung out together on the back porch of the place, sitting in chairs across from each other. neither wanted to talk about anything, so seonghwa suggested, "play some music."

she nodded and turned her playlist on, hi high by loona starting off. seonghwa raised his brows, "what is that?"

"you don't like it? um, what about this?" kyunghee played butterflies by red velvet, worsening his scowl.

"girls are so weird." he looked away and smirked to himself.

she sighed and let the song play, drowning out their silence. as she propped her feet on seonhwa's knees, he scoffed.

"do you wanna talk about yesterday?" she asked gently. he shook his head, still looking away.

"well...i do."

"what is there to talk about?" he coldly asked, pushing her legs away.

she bit her lip and looked down, "just...i hope you know that i..."

he turned his face to her and waited. she closed her mouth and looked away. seonghwa sighed.

"say it."


"say it." he demanded harshly. kyunghee shook her head.

"do you like me?" seonghwa softly asked her.

"well, i w-wouldn't kiss someone i didn't like..." kyunghee felt embarrassed saying things like this, "i think i like you more than i should."

"me too. i like you." seonghwa casually told her.

a spark went off and she looked brighter than normal. kyunghee clung onto his arm and whispered, "really?"



when the morning arrived once again, it was somewhat emotional to be leaving the lake house. memories were made - that's for sure - and relationships were bonded.

kyunghee waved at seonghwa, who waited on his motorcycle for her. she tried to hand him her backpack to carry and he chuckled.

"just because your pretty doesn't mean you get to boss me around. now sit."

kyunghee frowned and joined him on the bike. when she wrapped her arms around his waist, yeosang stopped them.

"wait...kyunghee needs to ride with me." yeosang told them, and dragged her away.

kyunghee resisted as she tried to get back on the big motorcycle with seonghwa, but yeosang pulled her. she whined, "but i wanna ride with seonghwa,"

"don't care. come on,"

she showed seonghwa her sad puppy eyes as yeosang took her away. they got on the bike and kyunghee asked, "why are you doing this?"

"because..." yeosang sighed. "you shouldn't be getting yourself caught up in our shit. i'm worried about you."

kyunghee frowned, "it's my choice."

"seonghwa is one of my best friends and he still hasn't opened up to me in the four years i've known him, kyunghee." he barked as he revved the engine. "what makes you think you can make him change?"

"he likes me, yeosang!" she defended herself.

"how would you know? you've known him for only a few months! it's fucking park seonghwa...nobody really knows."

"he told me..."

it was quiet for a while. once the rest of the guys had gone ahead, yeosang began to drive. kyunghee fisted the sides of his sweatshirt angrily.

she seriously wondered why people always thought she was only the flavor of the month with seonghwa. it was hurtful, especially since she felt for him, too. seonghwa had told her he liked her, though; so...shouldn't that be enough?

as the the two drove out of the driveway together, seonghwa was one of the last to leave, besides hongjoong and san. his phone had buzzed with a new instagram dm.

a look of confusion spread across his face as he read it.

[ hwa.seong ] @hy0ju : heyyy :) lets meet up later, kay? ☺️


when seonghwa got home later that day, he went straight to his room and laid down on his bed. opening his phone, he went on instagram to check his feed and whatnot.

he the clicked the search button and hesitantly stared at the keyboard. seonghwa bit his lip and searched kang kyunghee's name.

he began to go through her pictures, essentially stalking her. it was only because he felt this weird feeling in his heart. he missed her already, whether he realized it or not.

he screenshotted one of her selfies and instantly changed it to his phone's wallpaper. when he went back on instagram, he saw at the top of his dm's, that message from lee hyoju.

"isn't that kyunghee's friend? what does she want?"


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