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chapter 50 : a story really has no beginning or end

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chapter 50 : a story really has no beginning or end


after dropping off a tired kyunghee at her house late that night, white wings found themselves driving back to seonghwa's house. they entered once again, mischievous smiles on their faces respectively.

"here, yeosang. i want to help with the cost." eun handed yeosang fifty dollars, but he pushed her hand away, "no need. seonghwa paid for everything already."

she nodded and shot a smile to the girls. somin gasped, "seonghwa must be rich."

the man in focus, park seonghwa, chuckled and rubbed the nape of his neck, "i guess you could say that."

mingi cleared his throat, "i don't think seonghwa should be driving just yet - after his fainting and all - so yunho and i will pick up the new motorcycle in the morning."

"and then what? won't i be able to give it to her first?" seonghwa worriedly asked.

"you will, don't worry, hwa." xianmei smiled, "as long as i get to go with yunho, instead of mingi."

"of course, baby," yunho put his arm around the chinese girl.

grumbling under his breath, mingi crossed his arms, "i thought it was bros before hoes."

jangmi quickly changed the subject, "um, i can't believe you found a pink motorcycle. that's crazy cool."

"mhm," yeosang nodded, "she'll like it a lot. seonghwa's good at buying gifts."

"but... does kyunghee know how to drive a motorcycle?" asked san.

"i'll teach her. that's no problem." said seonghwa, smiling. "i can't wait to see the look on her face."

chuckling, hongjoong nudged hwa's arm teasingly, saying, "ooh, he's so in love. he's gone soft."

grinning cutely, seonghwa turned away, "shut up. you still have makeup on your face!"

"well," wooyoung cleared his throat, "it's late. let's all go home and have fun tomorrow morning."

"good idea," yunho beamed.

eun grabbed her purse, "bye, everyone. girls, who needs a ride?"

"actually," yeosang spoke up, "i'd love to give you a ride, if you're okay with it..."

"you must like me or something. you're very persistent, you know?" eun giggled, "so, i'll say yes, only because you seem genuine."

yeosang extended his arm to her, eun hesitantly taking him by the hand. yeosang's heart could've exploded then and there. this is finally happening, he thought, i think she's into me!

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