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chapter 40 : my favorite personin the whole wide world

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chapter 40 : my favorite person
in the whole wide world


on the day of jaeeun and dohee's wedding, kyunghee spent most of it with seonghwa. these days, she spent more time with him because she hated the thought of him being alone all day at home.

she got ready for the big ceremony at his house, doing her makeup, hair, and everything. seonghwa was already ready after putting on his suit and freshening up.

after seonghwa got dressed, he went to where kyunghee was doing her hair. with a smile, he asked her, "how do i look?"

kyunghee was almost drooling over him. he looked stunning in a tuxedo. she nodded, "g-good. great even. amazing!"

"but you always look better." he winked, propping himself on the doorframe.

she shook her head at him, "i'm not done with my hair or anything yet,"

seonghwa retorted, "but you're still beautiful."

she just smiled back with a shade of pink tinting her cheeks. "thank you, seongie."

"we have to leave in an hour. you'll be ready by then, right?"

she nodded, "yup."


later, seonghwa called an uber for the two - since he didn't want her bridesmaid dress to get wrinkled on the motorcycle. and they made their way to the church excitedly.

once they arrived, yeosang met up with them. he greeted, "hey, guys. you both look all fancy."

"you too, yeosang." kyunghee smiled. "excited for the wedding?"

yeosang shrugged, "i'm excited for the food."

seonghwa chuckled and added, "hey where's your date?"

"it would've been eun, but she's busy tonight." yeosang sighed, looking away with a sad gleam in his eyes. seonghwa had hit a sore subject.

kyunghee shrugged, "you can still hang out with seonghwa and i."

"gross. i'd rather drink a pair of jeans through a straw than watch you two flirt all night." yeosang laughed. "let's just grab our seats."

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