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chapter 8 : i don't care, i just want tobe on your list of girls you've loved

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chapter 8 : i don't care, i just want to
be on your list of girls you've loved


the next day, kyunghee was super shy to enter the classroom as she spotted seonghwa. she still worried about what her mom thought about him because she didn't want to let him go just yet.

"hi there," she sung as she took her seat with junichi and hyoju.

hyoju started talking, "guys, my parents let me get tickets to a monsta x concert! isn't that exciting?"

junichi nodded, "i'm so jealous! why didn't you invite me?"

"are you going to the one in—" kyunghee's question was cut off.

"yah, kyunghee." yeosang boomed when he walked in alone. he tossed his bag into his chair and walked over to her. he leaned over her desk intimidatingly.

"did you know chanyu was back?"

kyunghee nodded slowly, "she already picked on me."

"god, she's already pissing me off." yeosang ran his hands through his hair. "are you okay?"

"i'm perfectly okay."

yeosang sat down beside her and sighed, "now i have a guess at who broke your bike..."

kyunghee propped her head on her hands and frowned. "heck."

"i'll go vandalize her dad's car or something tonight. wanna come?" yeosang beamed suddenly as he asked her, suddenly looking excited.

"kyunghee's going with me tonight." seonghwa told him from his desk, actin all cool and casual. kyunghee looked up anxiously.

"you wanna die?" yeosang scoffed. "she's like my little sister, she's not a girl you wanna go for."

"when did i ever say i liked her?" seonghwa asked bluntly as he rolled his eyes. kyunghee's heart dropped

"i... i'm being overprotective. my bad."


in the middle of kyunghee's studies that night, yeosang barged into her room and asked, "you're going to mingi's party, right?"

"why should i? i have to study..."

"you always study," he sighed.

kyunghee sighed and looked down. she did want to go, but she kept creating excuses because she was so scared. especially since hyoju and junichi were uninvited.

"don't you wanna get out sometimes? it's fun."

"i-i—what do you do there anyway? is it bad?"

yeosang rolled his eyes and sat on her bed, thinking she was a lost cause.

"you're so uptight. no wonder you're single..."

flustered, kyunghee stood and stared at him. "hate you."

"seonghwa's going... don't you kinda like him?"

"i don't think of him that way... but we're friends i guess."

"if you go..." yeosang chuckled as he trailed off. kyunghee was expectant for his answer and also a bit nervous. yeosang finally spit out, "i'll buy you a new bike."

"you're kidding..."

yeosang smirked, "i will. promise."

they hooked pinkies and sealed it with their thumbs. kyunghee sighed. "i can't believe i'm doing this..."


𝗕𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗧 𖥻! seonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now