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chapter 5 : she's a book of poetry, easy to read if you're willing

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chapter 5 : she's a book of poetry,
easy to read if you're willing


kyunghee walked into the mostly empty classroom the next day, hyoju and junichi following her inside.

"have fun last night?" wooyoung asked kyunghee a little too loud for her liking. "is seonghwa a good driver? if you know what i mean..."

"what? i just went home..."

kyunghee chewed on her bottom lip, glancing at seonghwa nervously. he stood up noisily, attracting everyone's attention to him.

then, he walked over to wooyoung's desk and put his hands down, "i'm a great driver, and you can stay out of it."

wooyoung snickered to himself. kyunghee was still feeling shy as hyoju and junichi grabbed onto her shoulders and shook her around, asking a million questions at a time, but she knew this would happen if they found out.

"what are they talking about? what did you do? aren't you and seonghwa strangers? i warned you! this is dangerous—"

"you two," mingi called with his booming loud voice. "your names, what are they?"

"j-j-junichi and hyoju."

"alright, i'll make sure you won't be let into my party next week." mingi told them as he winked. "ciao."

hyoju stepped forward and flicked his arm, "what? i swear i was invited! let me go."

"god, you talk too much." mingi groaned. the rest of the boys shook their heads in annoyance.

"i can't believe this." junichi sighed as they took their seats. hyoju pouted and stared off. "must be serious then."


the students were off to lunch after their fifth period classes. kyunghee stood to leave quickly since hyoju and junichi has already gone ahead, but she felt eyes on her.

she glanced over to the boys and found yeosang to be staring at her. she spoke up, "what is it, yeosang?"

"i'll give you a ride after school," he informed her as he walked by.

kyunghee raised her eyebrow, stopping in the hallway, "why? are you feeling okay? because you're being nice to me."

from behind his back, he answered, "just look."

what he meant suddenly hit her. she took off in a full sprint, past the boys, past the teachers, past the doors.

there lay her precious blue bike on the ground in front of the nearby parking lot. it was crumpled up somehow, almost like a piece of paper, completely broken. kyunghee swallowed hard, preventing tears from coming.

kyunghee spent so long saving up cash for this bike. now it was broken and she already knew she didn't have any savings to get a new one.

"what is this..." she whined as she frantically tried to fix the chain. it was no use; the bike was destroyed.

"need some help?"

kyunghee brushed her hair back and glanced up at the new voice. her jaw dropped and she stood up immediately.

"min chanyu..."


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