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chapter 26 : i like whatever you likesince you make everything taste nice

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chapter 26 : i like whatever you like
since you make everything taste nice


seonghwa, kyunghee, and junichi walked together to the infamous parking lot. junichi scratched the nape of his neck as kyunghee got onto her bike.

"i have to ride with seonghwa?" junichi asked.

seonghwa rolled his eyes, "you can always stay behind,"

"oh... do you want to take my bike instead?" kyunghee offered and dismounted again, taking her helmet off.

junichi bowed a little as she gave him her helmet. seonghwa scoffed.

the two on the motorcycle began to suddenly drive off, leaving junichi behind. kyunghee hit seonghwa's arm, "yah! wait,"

he chuckled and slowed down a bit. junichi kept up with him just barely.

truth was, seonghwa was steaming with jealousy. who wouldn't be if another guy was your crush's best friend? he didn't want junichi around her all the time, especially since he made kyunghee happy.


through thick and thin, everyone eventually arrived to a tiny ice cream parlor nearby. kyunghee ordered a chocolate ice cream first, then junichi ordered a double scoop mint chocolate chip cone.

seonghwa said, "i'll have a chocolate ice cream."

kyunghee's eyes went wide, "i thought you hated sweets!"

he chuckled as he handed his credit card to the lady.

junichi nervously said, "thanks for paying,"

"i only paid since it's too much work to split the bill." seonghwa shot junichi a threatening look as he took his and kyunghee's ice creams to a table.

junichi felt scared and anxious, and so did kyunghee.

they gathered at a small metal table. kyunghee watched seonghwa take his first taste of the ice cream.

"do you like it?" she asked excitedly.

he shrugged, "yeah, it's good."

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