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 chapter 16 : so many things attract me to you, but i can't tell anyone, or else they might fall for you too

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chapter 16 : so many things attract me to you, but
i can't tell anyone, or else they might fall for you too


during phys. ed. the next day at geon-cheol high, hyoju and junichi passed a basketball back and forth while kyunghee was stuck watering the flowers as her punishment.

"fighting..." junichi peeped. kyunghee sighed and carried the water hose with her to the next patch of blossoms. she trudged into the sea of dirt, getting her uniform dirty as she worked unfortunately.

"kyunghee, you have dirt on your b-" hyoju called and kyunghee spun on her heel to death stare at her, not wanting everyone to know her embarrassing feat.

as she turned around to face the flowers once again, she sprayed the water hose wildly, accidentally splashing hongjoong and seonghwa who were walking by. just her luck...

as the water felt freezing on their sun-kissed skin, seonghwa bit his lip to refrain from cursing and shook out his hair. hongjoong groaned audibly and used his sweater to wipe off the water. kyunghee gasped.

"oh my goodness, i'm sorry,"

seonghwa rolled his eyes and walked past her. "you've gotta be kidding me."

"sorry," kyunghee repeated desperately.

he gave her a dirty glance as he took off his blazer. even the slightest sign of discontent from him could make her want to cry. she didn't want him to be upset with her, especially when she had only recently noticed that she really liked spending time with him.

"hyojuuu," kyunghee whined and sat on the bench with her friends. "he's mad...i don't want him to be mad at me." she sighed.

junichi stared at her curiously, "so you like him?"

"no! what makes you say that? heh..."

"kang kyunghee! back to work." teacher yelled and kyunghee stood up fast, bowing.

as she grabbed the hose again, she told them finally, "i don't like him. i s-swear."


seonghwa and hongjoong went into the locker room and changed into their gym uniforms, since their outfits were soaking wet - thanks to kyunghee.

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