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chapter 32 : opposites attract

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chapter 32 : opposites attract


this chapter contains some sensitive topics
and themes, so please read at your own risk!

the next day at school, yeosang gave kyunghee a ride to school instead of seonghwa. kyunghee felt like she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a long time already, so she quickly walked from the parking lot to the school.

and by quickly walked, meaning kyunghee jogged inside. when she finally reached the classroom, she grinned happily.

kyunghee skipped over to seonghwa and waved at him. he smiled back and asked, "hey, why are you so excited today?"

"because of you." she giggled and covered her cheeks.

"god, what do i see in you." he sighed and watched the girl fawn over him. "you're a dork, you know that?"

"hey! i am not!" kyunghee retorted and put her hand down on his desk for emphasis.

seonghwa didn't fight back or even bother to answer her properly. he just tilted his chin up and kissed kyunghee's lips shortly.

students who witnessed it gasped and gossiped, while kyunghee was so embarrassed that she could've died.

"yes. you are." seonghwa laughed at her facial expression.

she groaned, "you're the worst."

"i know." seonghwa leaned back comfortably again, saying to her, "you're a dork, but i still love you."

she sighed, her heart feeling all fuzzy. "you're a bully, but i guess i love you, too."


what happened between kyunghee and kaiga replayed in her head all day long. it became a burden for her, and she had to tell seonghwa. sooner or later, it was inevitable if she wanted to keep a healthy relationship.

during a class where the teacher was laid back, kyunghee decided it was a good time to tell seonghwa.

"hey, so... do you know yoshikawa kaiga?" she awkwardly asked.

his eyes pieced hers with a vile expression. he looked somewhat angry. "yoshikawa kaiga? of course i know that bastard."

"seonghwa!" kyunghee exclaimed and covered her mouth. "don't curse around teachers!"

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