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chapter 14 : how can i tell you that i loveyou if you are nowhere near being mine

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chapter 14 : how can i tell you that i love
you if you are nowhere near being mine


seonghwa was the only person in the classroom one afternoon when school had ended. kyunghee forgot her pencil bag, so she returned to get it.

seonghwa was at his desk, asleep like always on his arm facing the window. kyunghee smiled a little.

she tiptoed over to him and poked his side. he straightened up quickly and looked around at the empty room, yawning.

"i don't think anyone woke you up."

seonghwa scowled, "bastards."

he grabbed his bag as kyunghee still stood there and watched. she didn't realize how awkward she was being until seonghwa pointed her out.

"gonna keep watching me or what?"

she reddened, "what?! i'm just..."

he chuckled and told her, "staring at my lips?"

"you wish!" kyunghee snapped and kept looking away.

"hm," seonghwa nodded. before he said anything else, he first approached kyunghee and put his hand on her waist confidently.

kyunghee was so, so flustered as she tried to move away. "seonghwa!"

the boy smiled and leaned down a little, "you're probably a bad kisser anyway,"

seonghwa casually walked past her with his backpack hanging off one shoulder. he smiled to himself and pictured her startled face in his mind.

as kyunghee walked behind him, frustrated that he was getting to her, she scrolled through her phone. on her instagram, she saw a follow request that she forgot to check.

it was seonghwa.

and though she was annoyed by him, her heart fluttered as she pressed: accept request.


kyunghee walked into her little home and greeted her mom as she took her coat off. when she walked into the living room, she saw a man in a suit sitting with her mom.

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