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chapter 4 : curiosity gets stronger each time i look at you

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chapter 4 : curiosity gets stronger each time i look at you


it took convincing to get kang kyunghee, the tiniest fluff ball in the junior class, to join yeosang's gang activities, but somehow, she tagged along.

she rode on the back of yeosang's fancy bike to a place she didn't know. yeosang pushed in a flap of a metal wall and said it was their secret entrance. the place resembled an abandoned airplane hangar. it was closed off with warning signs and dark skies above, so kyunghee was scared out of her skirt.

"guys," yeosang announced as hey entered. "i brought a little guest."

yeosang pushed his cousin forward roughly. kyunghee looked down and bowed in a fit of nervousness. the guys curiously looked at her.

"you're kidding, right? she's gonna turn us in..." san groaned as he pulled his hoodie on.

"come on, sannie, kyunghee isn't that bad." mingi shrugged with an open mind, "just don't bring up anything too bad tonight i guess."

yeosang shook his head confidently and put his arm around her, "kyunghee? no, she's too scared to betray us. besides, she knows what i'll do if she tells..."

"ooh, what?" jongho asked curiously, leaning over.

"i'll tell her secrets from when we were younger." yeosang said with an annoying smile. the two cousins joined around the circle in the corner of the place. "they're so fucking funny."

"hey, don't cuss." kyunghee warned. her face turned red upon the stares she received. she wished she hadn't said that immediately.

all the guys looked shocked at the soft girl, some chuckled with amusement. they hadn't seen anything like her before.

the leader of them all, kim hongjoong, joined the circle of guys with something mysteriously in hand. yunho dragged over some sort of tin barrel and nodded to hongjoong.

kyunghee was curious and a little nervous to see what was gonna play out. hongjoong threw his lighter into the barrel and followed by throwing a whole bottle of lighter fluid too. smoke and flames grew huge in front of them all.

the scared girl gasped and covered her head. the flames were large, but they didn't come near kyunghee. however, she still thought she died.

the guys warmed up to kyunghee soon enough, and learned to laugh these things off instead of getting annoyed at her. they knew she was innocent, not to mention extremely cute.

after a while of talking and laughing - nothing too bad happening, yeosang stood up and put on his leather jacket. he looked to kyunghee expectantly, who raised her eyebrows.

"where are we going?"

"i'm sneaking into the club with them. but you're going home." he uttered brusquely. "it's past your bedtime, isn't it?"

kyunghee glanced at her watch frantically. 11:09. okay, so maybe he was right, but kyunghee was so intrigued by the gang that she wanted more.

"no, please! let me come along,"

"why should we? you can't go clubbing, you don't even have a fake id."

wooyoung added, "she looks like she's twelve, she can't make it in."

the oldest member - but most attractive to kyunghee - spoke up, shocking everyone, "she's a little girl, it's okay if she's curious. let her come."

kyunghee looked at the tall boy who was dressed in a gray sweatshirt and black jeans. he was undeniably handsome. intimidating, yet so alluring. she bit her lip and stopped admiring him; he did just call her a little girl.

"how will we—"

seonghwa chuckled and put his hand on kyunghee's shoulder. she stared at his it as if it was burning her skin. she was too distracted to notice that he was mouthing words to the other guys.

her eyes brightened when yeosang sighed in defeat, "fine. you can come."

everyone helped to put out the fire and make sure their traces were erased. gearing up and mounting their uniform bikes, they were now ready to go.

"kyunghee," called the pretty boy in gray. "you're riding with me."

she hesitated at first and stepped over to his motorcycle. "what's your name?"

"park seonghwa."

kyunghee stared at him for a second, not trusting him wholly, but obliged to him, carefully getting onto the motorcycle with seonghwa. he gave her his expensive helmet and began to ride off.

kyunghee was the definition of terrified. seonghwa's sides and chest began to hurt from how tight she was holding onto him, but he somehow liked it. later, he took a turn and left the other guys behind.

seonghwa rode her down a pretty backroad where the sky was fully visible. kyunghee gasped and instantly fell in love with the scenery, seonghwa slowing down slightly after noticing her dazed look in his mirrors. her fears were evaporated and she delighted in the rest of the ride.

but she didn't even realize where they had gone until seonghwa parked in a familiar place: her driveway. kyunghee's eyes widened. yeosang must've told him her address.

she kept staring at her dumpy house as seonghwa kicked the stand down on his fancy bike. she was embarrassed about her family's poor status because she felt like a hobo compared to a rich guy like him.

he took the helmet off kyunghee's head impatiently, giving her horrendous helmet hair, and growled, "you gonna get off or what?"

"hey!" kyunghee pouted. "you tricked me. you said i could come!"

"you wouldn't last a minute," he told her in a low, sultry tone that made kyunghee's knees buckle.

"i bet i could!"

"mhm, cute." seonghwa chuckled as he slid the helmet on himself. he turned up the engine noisily. "but i don't make bets."

kyunghee opened her mouth to clapback, but seonghwa cut her off quickly, "and don't you dare follow me."

with that, seonghwa rode away. her heart was beating out of her chest just to think about him and what he said to her. she shook her head and held onto the door handle to her house, her hand shaking vigorously.

what is this feeling?


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