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chapter 23 : enough is never enough

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chapter 23 : enough is never enough


after showering, kyunghee felt extremely exhausted so she laid in her bed. her heart still fluttered. it was almost unreal that she's gotten so close to seonghwa in the past few days.

she wouldn't change a thing if she were to go back in time.

when they all sat in the living room, they turned on a movie and ate dinner that kyunghee prepared. seonghwa, kyunghee, and san shared the couch, kyunghee getting smooshed by the bigger boys.

once the lights were off, wooyoung cleared his throat, "so, um, you two have fun earlier?"

seonghwa gulped and asked roughly, "what do you mean?"

"i didn't exactly close the door after i got my phone." mingi scratched the nape of his neck nervously. "oops."

kyunghee almost dropped her plate in pure shock and embarrassment. she glanced at yeosang, who was looking away. did they really see and hear everything happen?

seonghwa looked at kyunghee and struggled to find the words to say. the atmosphere was quite uncomfortable.

so now everyone knows how they feel about each other.

hongjoong chuckled and tried to calm startled kyunghee down a bit, "it's okay, we're good at keeping secrets."

nodding along, yunho asked, "so...are you two dating now?"

"no" they both said at the same time. kyunghee's cheeks were violently red and her eyes became glassy with tears. and she just wanted to lock herself in a room and cry this embarrassment out.
she knew she shouldn't feel like crying, but she was sensitive.

kyunghee contemplated to herself, do i a) run away to cry in my room like a baby or b) stay here and endure the awkwardness. the choice was inevitable, so she remained on the couch and picked option b.

the other guys became a little soft for her, feeling as if kyunghee was their little sister. seeing kyunghee upset and frightened made their brotherly sides come out - along with seonghwa's sweet side.

kyunghee covered her face and looked down, "let's change the subject."

seonghwa rolled his eyes as he put his arm around her, squeezing her arm for comfort. seonghwa told her, "why are you so embarrassed? isn't it a privilege to kiss me?"

kyunghee smiled again and retorted, "stop it, you're being cocky."

to see her grin was enough for him. he nodded and looked back at the movie, feeling accomplished. the other guys were satisfied as well.


meanwhile at school, junichi's illness finally went away. however, when he came back, hyoju seemed to had moved onto chanyu.

it only took a few days for chanyu and hyoju to become close friends. they had a somewhat toxic friendship and bonded over disliking kyunghee somehow.

junichi ran to hyoju that day and tried to hug her, "what's up—"

hyoju gave junichi, her friend from years ago, a dirty look and a bump into his shoulder before she walked off with her new friend. junichi felt so many confusing and painful emotions.

that was just a mistake... right?


"let's have a race. i'm bored." mingi suggested as he pointed to the driveway. "a bike race."

the guys nodded and all went to the front. kyunghee joined too, even though she wasn't really included.

"kyunghee, do you wanna come?" polite yunho asked her.

she shrugged and drew shapes in the dirt with her shoes, "that sounds too crazy for me."

seonghwa rode to where she was standing and tossed her his helmet. "well, you know i'm not leaving you here."

"where are we going then?" kyunghee asked and admired his shiny helmet in her hands.

"wherever you want."

yunho smiled at his friend and went off to ride around with the others. kyunghee went to hop on seonghwa's motorcycle, but he stopped her.

"wanna drive?"

she raised her eyebrows, "me? oh, i couldn't..."

"try it," he placed the big helmet on her head, making her look like a little kid. "i'm gonna be right here,"

kyunghee sighed and sat in front of seonghwa for the first time, being engulfed by seonghwa's long legs in the back. she felt excited to be in the front, finally getting to see the through the mirrors and such. she grabbed the handles as seonghwa told her what each control was for.

smiling excitedly, kyunghee gently pressed the accelerator and they began to ride - not too fast because that would scare her, but it was actually nice. she felt even more confident since seonghwa's hands were atop hers on the handlebars.

when kyunghee had enough fun, they pulled over on the side of the road to switch drivers. kyunghee sighed in relief and gave him the helmet back.

seonghwa couldn't help but smile around her; he felt like these days, there wasn't ever a day he wouldn't smile - and it was undoubtedly because of kyunghee.

he didn't exactly know how to let her know how much he cared, how much he thought of her, how much he liked her. seonghwa hoped she'd understand by turning around and giving her a tiny kiss on the cheek.


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