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chapter 7 : your story must be beautifulsince you're somehow misunderstood

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chapter 7 : your story must be beautiful
since you're somehow misunderstood


this chapter was inspired by dean's
song D (half moon) [ft. gaeko] <3


seonghwa drove kyunghee down that one backroad she loved looking at so much. it wasn't as stunning as it was in the night, but kyunghee was still so impressed. seonghwa chuckled at her goofy smile in his mirror.

he drove back onto the regular road again, and made sure it was smooth enough so she wouldn't get scared. seonghwa was starting to warm up to her. he knew it was bad for a girl like her, but he couldn't help it honestly.

he paid special attention to how close kyunghee was to him and how she held onto him. seonghwa reached behind himself and gently grabbed kyunghee's wrist, bringing it forward to make her hold him closer.

kyunghee was flustered, thankfully he couldn't see her reaction. she rest her head on his steady back and clenched his shirt tighter.


seonghwa and kyunghee finally arrived to a little convenience store. they took their helmets off and went inside.

"welcome in," the young girl at the counter said, then frowned. "seonghwa?"

she couldn't be any older than them, but kyunghee didn't recognize her. the name tag on her chest read : hawon.

he winked at her and sent her a playful smile. kyunghee glanced at both of them. when hawon looked at kyunghee, she bowed a little and said, "hello,"

kyunghee did the same and went down one of the aisles to avoid any more awkwardness. seonghwa followed behind her and tossed her a pack of chips to make her carry it for him.

"get whatever you want," he told her.

kyunghee nodded and grabbed a pack of oreos and a chocolate milk. seonghwa got more snacks and a beer then put it all on the counter.

kyunghee glanced at him uneasily, wondering if that was legal. then again, he didn't care.

hawon kept her head down as she rung them up.

"you're underage," she said.

seonghwa shook his head, "it's for my dad. please, hawon?"

the girl sighed in defeat after looking around. she rung the beer up too. once the snacks were bagged, she told us, "it's $24.77."

seonghwa smirked and rest his arms on the counter. he cooed, "hawonnie, don't you wanna give your oppa a discount?"

kyunghee was wide eyed. the girl blushed, "i can't..."

he took the bag and waved, "i'll pay you back later, okay?"

kyunghee looked at seonghwa worriedly as he walked off without paying. she realized she was getting caught up in seonghwa's mess, but she honestly was thrilled.

"seonghwa! wait—"

seonghwa laughed uncontrollably as he grabbed kyunghee's arm and began to run. they got onto his motorcycle quickly and sped away.

kyunghee's heart raced, "we just stole something."

"don't worry about it," he told her sweetly.

"who was she?"

"a freshman at our school, do hawon. she's obsessed with me so she doesn't ever fight back,"

"you're awful. don't you have money?"

he smirked boldly, "i do, but is just more fun doing things like that, isn't it? that's why i'm the way i am."


seonghwa took kyunghee to her house, who was still clenching the bag of snacks tight. he decided to walk her to her door this time. she cringed at the sight of her slovenly living space, but he didn't show any reactions, for he didn't really mind.

they sat down on the step and began to eat together. seonghwa took a sip of his beer, "did you have fun?"

"yup. thanks, seonghwa." she smiled and opened her oreos.

"you must like chocolate," seonghwa said and sighed. "just like yeosang,"

kyunghee shrugged, "that's our only similarity,"

"hm, true." he nodded along. "i hate sweets. they make my head hurt."

"how? they're so good..."

he half-smiled and attempted to carry on the conversation. "so, do you know who broke your bike?"

"no... it's not you?" kyunghee was honestly surprised.

"nope. not any of the guys."

"what...? who did it?"

"i don't know. i'll help you find them, i guess." seonghwa told her.

her cheeks heated up like they usually did around him, "okay. thanks,"

seonghwa nodded, as he checked his phone. he groaned as he saw yeosang's location on his phone, only two blocks away. he stood, picking up his food, "oh, yeosang will be here soon. i gotta run,"

i nodded and waved, "bye, seonghwa!"

"night," he quickly got on his bike and sped off.

kyunghee went inside and continued eating her snacks at the table. her mom, kang dohee, ran in and started yelling, "did i just see you get off a motorcycle that wasn't yeosang's?"

kyunghee bowed and giggled, "sorry, my bike is broken and yeosang doesn't go straight home."

her mom hit her arm with a rolled up newspaper - being more joking than mean, and whined, "kyunghee! i don't want you hanging out with bad boys,"

"he acts bad, but...i—" kyunghee trailed off as she fidgeted with a oreo in her fingers. "i really don't think he's bad at all."


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