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chapter 10 : somehow madness always tastes bittersweet

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chapter 10 : somehow madness always tastes bittersweet


the policeman's attention was turned away from the backyard, and onto a boy who was making a run for it. seonghwa ran back to kyunghee and began to lead her out of the neighborhood.

"i'm scared," she told him as they ran.

he said back and squinted his eyes threateningly, "just shut up."

seonghwa eventually found a spot to hide at. it was underneath an outdoor staircase of a house two blocks over. seonghwa hid kyunghee first, then pulled a table in front of the opening to hide them further.

kyunghee couldn't handle it, and anxiously began to cry while squeezing her eyes and mouth shut. seonghwa sighed and put his hand over her mouth, her fresh tears rolling over his hand. she was scared out of her mind, but seonghwa seemed like an expert at these things, calm and methodical.

they sat like that for a while, seonghwa ignoring her cries while on lookout, listening closely to the sirens around.

police cars drove past them quickly and didn't see the two escapees. seonghwa let go of kyunghee and leaned back on a wall in relief.

"the police is gone now. we're safe"

kyunghee began to loudly cry into her hands even after everything was over with. seonghwa raised his eyebrow and pushed her arm, "stop crying. i said they're gone."

she sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve, "i'm never going to a party again."

"loser." seonghwa fixed his hair as he moved the table back. he left the hiding spot and began to walk back to mingi's place.

kyunghee ran to catch up with him, grabbing onto his off-white jacket, "is it safe back there?"

"i'm sure it's perfectly fine. mingi's dad is the mayor, so he has everything handled."

"oh," she nodded and pursed her lips. that must be why the boys can always get away with the crap they do.

seonghwa went into the song's garage and retrieved his motorcycle. kyunghee stayed around him because she didn't have any other way home since yeosang was off the scene... unless she wanted to stay with mingi, which she particularly didn't.

seonghwa sat down and put his helmet on. he glanced at kyunghee and asked, "i'm guessing you need a ride?"


that night, kyunghee went to her room without greeting her mom, and flopped straight onto her bed. yeosang walked in and sighed.

"you good?"

"no. you almost got me in big trouble if it weren't for seonghwa." she groaned. "why'd you leave without me?"

"because i knew you were fine." yeosang sighed, "but, i'm sorry. i'm glad you didn't get caught. where'd you hide?"

"under some staircase. you?"

"at the bottom of the pool."

kyunghee raised her eyebrows, "how did you... you know what, nevermind."

he chuckled and tossed kyunghee a chain necklace with a lock on it. the heavy lock charm was glittery and seemingly expensive. yeosang noted, "seonghwa took this off and left it on accident. why don't you take it to him?"

she held it tight in her palm and shrugged, "it's so nice... why would he leave this sitting around?"

yeosang shrugged nonchalantly as he began to exit the room again, "he was smoking and said it was 'too tight'. he's filthy rich anyway, i'm sure he has about forty more of those."

kyunghee nodded again and stared at the chain, her mouth and throat feeling dry all of a sudden. "okay."

"goodnight, kyung. sleep tight."

"don't let the bed bugs bite." she giggled as she shut her eyes.


kyunghee decided to bake cookies with her mom the next day. she was bored out of her mind since yeosang was in his room packing and her friends were busy.

as kyunghee mixed the batter for snickerdoodles, her mom sighed and asked, "honey, are you dating that motorcycle guy?"

"s-seonghwa? no." she stuttered.

her mom nodded, "okay. just wondering since he always drops you off."

kyunghee assured, "don't worry, mom. yeosang is buying me a new bike so seonghwa won't have to keep driving me."

"who said my name?" yeosang asked sleepily as he dragged his suitcase behind him.

"what? mom?" kyunghee joked as she waved at him.

"very funny." yeosang scoffed, "but, thanks for letting me stay over this week. the parentals are home now so peace out,"

kyunghee and her mom laughed lightly as he left the house quickly. "bye, yeosang."

the door closed and mom asked, "should we make extra cookies to bring to your friends?"

"hm..." kyunghee debated. hyoju and junichi love sweets, and so does yeosang - even if he did act like a total idiot to her all the time. she then considered giving seonghwa some and smiling to herself.

"okay, sure."


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