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chapter 21 : give me a pretty memoryso i won't ever want to go back

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chapter 21 : give me a pretty memory
so i won't ever want to go back


hyoju sighed as she set her pencil down on her desk. studying was hard when you had a lot on your mind, and she could prove that easily.

as she clasped her hands together, she wondered to herself, what's going on between kyunghee and seonghwa? why didn't she listen to my advice? was wooyoung being truthful when he said seonghwa liked kyunghee, or was he just saying that to drive me off?

hyoju realized that kyunghee may not be as innocent as people perceive her and that she wasn't just a pretty face. frustrated and angry were emotions hyoju felt deep down since she befriended kyunghee.

it was too good to be true, right? the bad boy falling for a good girl?

but why didn't the bad boy fall for the bad girl? isn't it meant to be...?


after last night when seonghwa was acting all suspicious, yeosang felt so anxious to know what happened. with those two in that little of time, only god knows what could've happened.

yeosang woke up early the next morning. he cooked a decent breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon for everyone in the house, which was a lot of food.

once he called everyone down to eat, the seven exhausted boys came in - no kyunghee to be found - and sat down. they all wore similar pajamas of sweatpants and t-shirts. also, their bad bed head was a statement piece on all.

they ate silently in the kitchen. yeosang eyed seonghwa and cleared his throat. "i know it's your birthday week and all, but..."

"but what?" seonghwa was a bit grumpy this morning when he asserted him.

"but don't try anything on kyunghee if she doesn't want you to."

seonghwa chuckled and nodded. he knew kyunghee wanted him by the way she kissed back last night."alright." was all he said.

yeosang rolled his eyes and shoved bacon into his mouth.

the room was quiet again until they all heard tiny footsteps like a mouse. kyunghee sluggishly walked into the room with her nightgown on, rubbing her eyes. she softly said, "morning,"

"hey, i made breakfast," yeosang told her as he nudged her.

"really? thanks." she took her meal and sat beside her cousin. he pat her shoulder to wake her up.

he suddenly noticed two reddish-purplish marks on her neck and was taken aback.

"what the hell? are those hickeys?" yeosang scoffed and looked at seonghwa with pure fury in his eyes. seonghwa just grinned, feeling proud.

kyunghee glanced at him too and nervously pressed her fingertips to her neck. she wondered if he felt the same electrifying feeling in her heart when she thought about him.

seonghwa nodded causally, "yeah. what's the big deal?"

yeosang put his head on his hands and sighed deeply, "nothing. you're just an asshole."


back at geon-cheol high, junichi had caught a cold. hyoju was left on her own for the rest of the week with nobody to hang out with.

during her lunch in solitude, a pretty girl from the sophomore class stood beside her seat and asked, "is anyone sitting here?"

"no... hey, i know you." hyoju said.

the girl smiled, "my name's chanyu,"

"hm, i don't think we're supposed to be friends," hyoju felt suspicious as first, but also quite interested. "right?"

"apparently not if you're friends with kyunghee." chanyu sighed. "don't be fooled by her. she seems like a good girl, but we all know what she's doing in a house full of boys out of town."

hyoju went pale. she believed chanyu for some reason, and gasped, "there's no way..."

"something wrong?" chanyu smirked evilly.

"i...i knew i couldn't trust her," she let out a sigh and looked away, continuing. "she has a thing with the guy i like. i couldn't ever tell her though, but now this makes me want to..."

chanyu was overly satisfied and pat hyoju's arm tenderly, "you want to what?"

"i want to try again. i want seonghwa."


[ a/n : ugh i just wanna say, your
support means so much to me,
like more than you think. i just
get so soft when people thank
me for writing or tell me they
like a chapter. so thank you :"(
i'll try to keep the story pretty
interesting for you all! enjoy~ ]

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