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chapter 38 : we're different and the same

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chapter 38 : we're different and the same


kyunghee and seonghwa sat in her pink bedroom and talked, waiting for yeosang to join them.

"what's your cousin taking so long for?" seonghwa asked kyunghee, tracing his fingers along her cheek.

she shrugged, "he didn't tell me. he's probably doing something stupid."

just then, the door flung open with yeosang behind the door. he was holding two plastic bags.

"did i hear my name?" yeosang asked, walking in confidently.

"nothing, i was just talking about how great of a cousin you are." she bat her lashes and giggled.

"mhm," yeosang looked her up and down suspiciously. "anyway, i went out and bought you a few things for your transformation."

seonghwa was already looking through the bag. he called out a few things, "a switchblade, fingerless leather gloves, a vape, two chain necklaces...? what in the e-girl starter pack is this?"

"can't wait," kyunghee sighed awkwardly, obviously being sarcastic.

"shut up and change into the clothes!"

she groaned then went to change into a pair of black ripped jeans, black combat boots, one of seonghwa's black and red striped shirts, and a black tee to layer. also, she paired lots of silver jewelry.

after a few minutes in the bathroom, she came out looking like a literal e-girl off of pinterest. it was crazy because she didn't look like herself... at all.

"who is that?" yeosang asked in fear.

seonghwa shrugged, "i don't know, but she's kinda cute."

"is it bad?" kyunghee asked, playing with the chains attached to her pants. "i feel like a girl version of seonghwa."

"i'm flattered," her boyfriend responded with a smile. "but for real, you look good."

yeosang cut in, "do not encourage her to wear this stuff more often. i liked the old kyunghee."

kyunghee rolled her eyes, "okay, what's next? teach me how to fight!"

"woah, woah, cowgirl. first things first." yeosang chuckled, then handed her the new vape. "try it."

seonghwa suddenly swiped it from yeosang's fingers. he shoved it into his pocket and glared at the other. "absolutely not."

"but she has to become a—"

"no. you're not making my girlfriend vape. she doesn't like that stuff, don't force her. just stick to simple stuff."


once again, seonghwa cut off yeosang, "i'll beat your ass."

"yes, sir." yeosang gulped and nodded. he suddenly put on a guise of happiness. "haha, moving on! kyunghee, you need to know how to act."

"okay, teach me!"

seonghwa and yeosang glanced at each other nervously. they suggested, "um, pretend like your robbing someone. you're the robber and we're the bank. try to act mad."

she nodded and readied her stance. she swung her arm out and tried to act menacing - keyword: tried.

"um, give me the m-money... please!" kyunghee shouted with her baby voice. she was too sweet and polite, and it wasn't working.

both of the boys face palmed. seonghwa sighed, "we've got a lot of work to do..."


the clock was nearing kyunghee's bedtime by the time they were somewhat satisfied. she had learned a lot from them and felt pretty confident that she could handle being in a gang for a few days.

"okay, kyunghee. you're pretty much ready." yeosang announced.

she smiled brightly and clasped her hands together. realizing she was being soft, she immediately stopped and ran her hands through her hair, "i know."

"this is weird. i want my baby back," seonghwa sighed and hugged her.

she giggled, "your baby?"
then yeosang repeated in confusion, "your baby?"

he looked around anxiously, then replied, "shut up. it slipped."

"don't tell me... kyunghee is the bad guy and seonghwa is the softie? this is unreal." yeosang cackled at the two, who had seemingly switched lives.

"i don't wanna be a bad guy," kyunghee pouted and squeezed onto seonghwa's arm. her boyfriend also denied, "i'm not a softie, nor will i ever be."

"well, now that we're done here, i'm gonna call up eun and get kyunghee in white wings." yeosang smiled. "your 'interview' is tomorrow, kyung. do your best."

she nodded, "i'll try."

then seonghwa nodded and kissed the top of her head, "you'll do fine, baby. who could turn down a girl as gorgeous as you."

yeosang smirked and tried not to laugh, "i told you. you're a softie, hwa."


the first thing kyunghee wanted to tell her boyfriend the next morning was about the engagement. she skipped over to him and poked his toned arm.

"seongie! guess what?"

"hey, baby." seonghwa pat the top of her head, "what is it?"

"jaeeun proposed to my mom! the wedding is coming up soon! i know it's early, but they said they're just so in love that they can't wait anymore! it'll be in a church with a small amount of people, and oh! i'm so happy for them." she swooned, beginning to dream about how pretty the wedding will be and how awesome her life was about to get.

seonghwa smiles, "that's great. can i come to the wedding?"

she nodded, "yes. could you um maybe be my d-date?"

"no, of course not." he rolled his eyes, speaking sarcastically. "what kind of question is that?"

kyunghee giggled and gently punched his arm, "i'm just too excited."

he then put his arm around her shoulders and began to walk, "just a warning, i look dangerously good in tuxedos. don't die, okay?"

kyunghee shrugged and went along with it, "i might faint a few times, but i'll be fine."

seonghwa chuckled and pinched her cheek softly. "cutie."

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