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"kyunghee! kyunghee! kyung-ah!" kyunghee heard hyoju and junichi calling after her incessantly from the entrance of the library. they created a scene and the librarian scolded them.

the two bowed to the angry librarian and began to whisper kyunghee's name instead as they ran to her.

"did the cops really go to mingi's house?" hyoju asked as she gripped onto the girl's shoulders.

kyunghee slowly nodded and junichi playfully pretended to faint. hyoju sighed, "i didn't raise you like this..."

kyunghee shook her hands and said, "it's okay! mingi's dad is the mayor, so he got everyone out of it! besides, seonghwa helped me hide."

the other two stopped joking around and stared straight at her. junichi stepped forward as he cocked his eyebrow.

"you're always with seonghwa these days. tell us more."

kyunghee shrugged as she grabbed a book from the shelf, "hm, there's nothing much to say. we only talk sometimes because of yeosang."


seonghwa was all kyunghee could think of these days. she wanted badly to spill to her besties about him, but she knew they would scold her. kyunghee probably wouldn't stop talking even if she wanted to.

hyoju nodded, "i see. now, how's the situation with your bike?"

"yeosang's buying me a new one today. still not completely sure who broke it though,"

"aish," junichi frowned upon the information. "this is a real crime. we have to find out who broke it. i'm in the mood for a good wig-snatching."

hyoju giggled and said lightheartedly, "at least you'll get a new one in the end."

kyunghee nodded at her. at that moment, yeosang coincidentally texted her phone to meet her at the bike shop in ten. she grabbed her books swiftly and bid her friends goodbye.


"i like this one." kyunghee beamed as she skipped over to a purple bike with sparkly flower decals all over it.

"oh my god..." yeosang scoffed as he said, "that's a kid bike, kyung. it even has training wheels."

she sighed and kept searching for a pretty bike. they were all boy's heavy-duty bikes, but no pretty ones - that weren't for children, for that matter.

yeosang pointed to a bike a few rows over. "that one seems okay."

she glanced over, and when she did, she fell in love with the bike instantly. kyunghee giggled and held her hands together.

there, a light pink bike was parked. it came with a white basket, and even a little silver bell. kyunghee knew it was the one.

"i love it... but it's not on sale..."

yeosang smiled and pat her arm, "if you like it, let's get it. except, you'll owe me again."

"i thought you were buying me this because you owed me something after going to that party?" kyunghee crossed her arms.

yeosang nodded, "yeah, and now you owe me another favor. unless you want one of the ugly brown bikes..."

"no!" kyunghee groaned, not wanting to be in debt to yeosang favor-wise. the lord only knows what trouble yeosang could drag kyunghee into. "i want pink."

"alright, then let's get it."

after paying, yeosang and kyunghee went outside. she put her helmet on, sat on her bike. she tried it out by doing a lap on the sidewalk.

"just remember, you owe me another favor after this, okay? i'll probably need it in the future." yeosang chuckled as he boarded his motorcycle. "let's roll out."

she nodded and followed behind yeosang. he was going a bit fast, and it was hard for her to keep up since he was in the road and she was on he sidewalk. nevertheless, she strived.

ten minutes remained until they would get home. that was, until yeosang took a left, and kyunghee couldn't stay with him anymore. she waited for the crosswalk to turn green impatiently.

kyunghee had lost yeosang.

she knew her way home, but it was dark and terrifying for her. she didn't like it one bit.

she kept going, nonetheless. when kyunghee reached another crosswalk, another voice stopped her.

"new bike already, huh? how cute."

she looked around for the voice until she saw a girl in the front seat of a nice car waving. when kyunghee further observed, she unfortunately recognized chanyu.

her stealthy ride drove off quickly and kyunghee scoffed, using all of her strength to pedal and gain speed.

the more she dwelled on it, the quicker kyunghee came to the conclusion that chanyu must've been the culprit who broke her bike.

it felt like it was common sense if nobody else she particularly knew had done it. also, what a coincidence that her bike was broken on the some day chanyu came back.

kyunghee sighed, realizing she couldn't do much about it. even if she were to take it to court, chanyu came from a rich family that would have her inevitably winning.

the thing that kyunghee would never ever admit to her schoolmates is that her family was very poor. her mother was a florist that barely had an income - not to mention, her dad died a few years back. kyunghee and her mom were in such a crisis that yeosang's family had to send money once a month.

kyunghee always envied yeosang. he had both of his parents who were doctors. it seemed like a dream. kyunghee couldn't even imagine living like that.

moreover, kyunghee and chanyu didn't compare, so what was the point in being upset?


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