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chapter 3 : a soft touch feels spiteful

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chapter 3 : a soft touch feels spiteful


kyunghee grabbed a lunch tray and picked out food from the line. she didn't get much because she was short on money these days, but she still got enough. rice, vegetables, and apple juice was her meal.

she paid at the end of the line and looked for her friends in the tables. kyunghee spotted them right away and she happily skipped off.

yeosang and his friends were passing at the same time she was, unfortunately for her. evil yeosang stuck his foot out in front of the gleeful girl and they all watched her drop face first.

food exploded everywhere and kyunghee looked around with red cheeks. she glanced up at yeosang for help, but the boys all kept walking without words. everyone was laughing their heads off at her.

yet the only two kind people kind enough to help her were hyoju and junichi, coming to the rescue. hyoju escorted her to the bathroom while junichi and some lunch ladies cleaned up.

in a locked bathroom stall sat kyunghee with her face in her hands, close to tears. "he's the worst."

"don't talk to him and he'll leave you alone eventually..." hyoju told me. "if he gets no reaction, he won't have any fun."

i nodded, "but he's my family and i'm around him a lot..."

"don't worry. you got a badass best friend. i won't hesitate to throw punches at any of those gangsters, okay?" kyunghee grinned at hyoju, who rubbed her back.

"me too," junichi bobbed his head. "i may look soft, but i took karate classes for 10 years!"

"thanks, guys." kyunghee chuckled.

"don't mention it. now let's get you changed up. i'll let you have my bento box, too."


school had ended and kyunghee rode her little bike home. throwing her backpack on the couch, she greeted her family, "i'm back!"

her mom walked out and waved, "hi honey, how was it?"

"awful... yeosang is literally bullying me."

"aw, i'm sure little yeosangie isn't bullying you! it's cousin love," mrs. kang told her with a smile, and kyunghee whole-heartedly disagreed.

"mhm, sure." kyunghee rolled her eyes, "i'll be in my room."

"oh, wait! speaking of yeosang, he's gonna stay over for a week since his parents are going on business trips." mom said. kyunghee's smile faded slowly.

"come on... why can't he stay home alone? he's almost eighteen..."

"because last time they let him, he did some... not so legal things." her mom told her and kyunghee pouted. "one week will not be so bad, kyunghee."

kyunghee bit her lip and sighed, "aish, lord, save me."


two days later, the wonderful weekend came around, and kyunghee was thankful. this would be a good time for her to reflect on her new life and relax.

kyunghee laid in her pink bed to take a nap, but she heard these awful noises that disrupted her. they sounded like some sort of loud engine roaring. after a while, she was frustrated.

pulling back the window's blinds, kyunghee peered outside and saw seven black motorbikes leaving her driveway in a formation. one bike stayed behind.

the boy on the motorcycle tore off the helmet to reveal a pink-haired boy, yeosang. kyunghee scowled as yeosang came to the door and knocked.

before she could do anything, her mom let yeosang inside. she then showed him to the guest room, which was directly across from kyunghee's.

"yikes." kyunghee sighed as she listened to everything though her bedroom door.

yeosang unpacked his bag for ten minutes max, and got adjusted to the place quite easily; he did come here all the time as a kid. once he finished, he decided to have some fun.

"kang kyunghee! why's it locked?" yeosang teased as he yelled into the door. he tried to turn the handle, but she locked it.

"i'm not talking to you, idiot." kyunghee muttered. "you're the worst."

"hm, i won't deny it. but come on, let your big bro in."

"you are not my big bro." kyunghee scoffed. she gave up and opened the door.

pushing past her, he acted as if he owned the place already, jumping on the bed and going through all her things. kyunghee crossed her arms, "apologize. for earlier."

yeosang poked out his bottom lip to satisfy her, "i'm so terribly sorry for tripping you. happy?"

"very," sarcastically, kyunghee nodded along. "run along now."

yeosang chuckled as he stood again. as he passed by his cousin, he told her, "i was just on my way to go catch up the guys. see ya, kyung."

"wait! ...where will you go?"

he stopped and stood in the doorway. yeosang chuckled lightly and turned back around to look at kyunghee.

"why don't you come and see?"


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