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chapter 48 : keep your chin up, we got your back

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chapter 48 : keep your
chin up, we got your back


this was stage one. mingi and san followed discreetly like ninjas behind yeosang and the disguised hongjoong. their mission was to send hongjoong off with kaiga, then hongjoong would attack him with backup from the others.

meanwhile, jongho and wooyoung were tasked to monitor the surroundings. kaiga could always prepare a trap or an escape plan to trick ateez, so they were on the lookout. lastly, yunho stayed with kyunghee in the large car to protect her while yeosang was doing work.

so the whole mission began as yeosang and hongjoong walked up to the yoshikawa's house and knocked on kaiga's bedroom window. kaiga was prepared for them, and opened up right away.

"i see you brought my precious kyunghee." he nodded. "give her over."

"first, where's seonghwa?" belligerently, yeosang asked.

"he's in the guest room. give me her first, and i'll grab your friend." kaiga tried to persuade them, but yeosang shook his head.

yeosang told him, "i'm not dumb. we'll switch off at the same time."

"fine." kaiga nodded. "i'll be right back."

in the car, yunho and kyunghee sat next to each other silently. she played with her thumbs in a ft of nervousness, not knowing how else to calm herself.

"i hope they'll be okay. i hope seonghwa's okay." kyunghee softly told yunho.

he shrugged, "don't worry. it's park seonghwa, he'll be fine."

with a shard of hope, kyunghee nodded back and closed her eyes, beginning to soundlessly pray.

kaiga returned with an ill-looking, bruised seonghwa. he didn't seem his usual self, and that made yeosang shudder.

but without word, hongjoong used the window to enter kaiga's room, and yeosang had to help seonghwa exit.

"our work is done. we must never speak of this." was what kaiga finally said to them as he shut his window. god knows what he was going to try on "kyunghee" now.

san and mingi emerged from their hiding spots and approached them. their black outfits hid them well in the dim moonlight.

"let's enter through the back window." san suggested.

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