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chapter 27 : you should'vestuck to your gut feeling

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chapter 27 : you should've
stuck to your gut feeling


the next day at school, seonghwa told kyunghee he would pick her up since she left her bike at the ice cream place. early in the morning, he arrived on his motorcycle, dressed handsomer than usual.

"woah, you look so good." kyunghee asked as she pointed to his clothes. "how did you know that i have a thing for guys in turtlenecks?"

seonghwa wasn't in school uniform, but clad in a blue turtleneck and black jeans. he paired it with black combat boots, a black leather jacket, and tons and tons of necklaces and piercings. his styled blonde hair was a winning point as well.

he chuckled and unexpectedly placed a kiss on her cheek. "i guess i should wear turtlenecks more often then. i'm not going to school though."

"what? why?" she frowned.

"i'm skipping with mingi and wooyoung. and no, you can't come." he chuckled.

"meanie. i'll miss you,"

he smiled as he left her driveway. the two sped off in the empty city streets, a gentle fog lying in the air. at the ice cream shop where she had left her bike, kyunghee sadly dismounted his motorcycle.

"text me, okay?" she told him. seonghwa chuckled and nodded, "fine. i will later,"

"okay, bye, seongie!"

"seongie?" he scoffed and shook his head. "fine, but i'm not calling you something weird like that. bye, babe."

seonghwa had a happy little grin on his face as he drove off down the streets. it didn't take him long to find the place where mingi and wooyoung told him to meet.

in an empty, abandoned tattoo & piercing shop, the three boys gathered together inside and sat down in the client chairs.

"guys," wooyoung sung as he tossed them a mysterious bag of drugs, meth to be exact.

mingi chuckled excitedly and grabbed the small bag, but seonghwa raised his eyebrows cautiously. he used to be the baddest of them all, but with kyunghee in mind, he didn't know if he wanted to risk anything - or risk hurting her if he didn't think clear enough.

mingi started smoking and so did wooyoung while seonghwa contemplated.

"don't be like that, seonghwa." mingi scoffed and handed him the tiny bag of crystals.

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