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chapter 39 : i'm unsure of many things, but never you

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chapter 39 : i'm unsure of
many things, but never you


this chapter was inspired by the song
vibe by 1team. please enjoy, everyone!


that same night, around 6-7 pm, kyunghee had just finished her dinner. immediately after finishing, she just had to call seonghwa and ask if he had eaten.

kyunghee jogged into her bedroom, locked the door, and dialed his number in her phone.

"hi, babe."

she giggled, feeling overwhelmed with butterflies as usual. "hi, seongie! have you eaten yet?"

"not yet. have you?"

"yeah. make sure to eat, okay?
or else i'll run over there and
personally cook for you."

"that doesn't sound too bad actually."

"if you want me to, i will. seriously."

"you're not busy?"


"then i'll pick you up. i'd be stupid to
let you go around at night alone."

"hey, i'm white wings material
now! you don't have to worry."

"no, shut up. you're still a little
baby to me. i'll be there soon."

"alright, see you, seongie.
i love you. oh, and drive safe!"

"heh, i love you more."

he hung up, and kyunghee squealed in delight. instantly, she changed her clothes from pajamas into some casual clothes and went downstairs to pack some ingredients for his dinner.

kyunghee's mom and jaeeun had already gone to bed, and yeosang was at his own house this week. it was easy for her to slip out without strings attached.

once she saw seonghwa's shiny headlights through the window, she grabbed her small bag, and went outside.

a smile lit up seonghwa's face. his night was rough, and seeing her was like a remedy.

he would never tell kyunghee this because he didn't want to burden her, but seonghwa's dad came home that night after so long.

hours before, he was in a fight with his own father - his only remaining family - where his dad threw punches. of course, seonghwa punched back in an act of self-defense. long story short, seonghwa's dad left for another 'business trip'. god knows when he would return, but seonghwa didn't care in the slightest.

right then, all he needed was kang kyunghee.

she took her familiar seat behind him on the bike and giggled, "hey,"

"kyunghee," seonghwa told her, "you shine brighter than the stars."

"oh? that's s-so random, you never say things like that. but thanks, seongie." she was more red than a tomato. her little stutter just made it easier and easier for seonghwa to love her.

"i just thought i'd tell you. now, let's go. i'm hungry."

she agreed, then seonghwa began to carefully drive them to his place. it was funny how kyunghee used to be deathly afraid of motorcycles; now it was like her happy place because it was a sign her favorite person was around.

once at seonghwa's house, they went into the kitchen to make dinner. kyunghee brought rice, eggs, some sauces, and various vegetables to make seonghwa a simple meal of fried rice.

as she was washing the veggies, kyunghee saw seonghwa in the clear white light for the first time that night. she worried when she noticed a tiny scratch on his jaw.

"is that cut new?" she gasped and stepped closer to him.

seonghwa slightly smirked and lied rather frantically compared to his usual calm and cool personality, "huh? no, why? i just cut myself shaving."

she sighed, "you had me scared. does it hurt? it looks pretty bad..."

he shook his head and pat the top of her head, "nope. i already put medicine on it and stuff." another lie.

kyunghee shrugged, "well, i guess i should keep cooking. you're probably starving."

"yeah. need any help?"

she nodded, "only if you w-want to..."

seonghwa took out a pan and chuckled, "okay, what do i do first?"

kyunghee was smiling from ear to ear. she imagined this is what it'd be like to share a house with seonghwa someday, if they happened to get married.

but then she shook her head, mentally scolding herself for thinking so far ahead and looking silly. but she just couldn't help it; she loved him so much.

after seonghwa ate his dinner that kyunghee prepared, the two decided to cuddle up on the couch and enjoy each other's company. kyunghee only had an hour and a half until her curfew.

seonghwa tucked kyunghee under his arm and stroked her hair gently. she closed her eyes and grinned a bit, feeling so, so warm.


she chuckled, "yes, seongie?"

"keep smiling. it looks pretty on you." he told her, his lips grazing the side of her face.

she felt butterflies all throughout her stomach, then giggled. "you're being extra nice tonight. whats going on?"

"nothing." he shrugged. "i just really, really love you."

"i... love you too." the same words had been exchanged plenty of times before, but kyunghee felt different. she felt so genuinely loved and knew it for sure.

seonghwa's eyes shut slowly and his head tilted a little bit, resting on kyunghee's shoulder. his breathing was slower and steadier, and kyunghee realized he was asleep.

she kissed his cheek and giggled softly, "i'm so glad you're mine."

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