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chapter 12 : like opposite sides on the same magnet, we repel and attract

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chapter 12 : like opposite sides on the
same magnet, we repel and attract


the next day - tuesday, kyunghee rode her new bike to school for the first time. it was an exciting experience for her and she couldn't wait to tell her friends.

she rode it to the lot where yeosang and his friends would park their motorcycles. kyunghee locked her bike to a post before heading off.

just as she was walking to the school, seonghwa appeared and filled the parking spot beside her. he slipped of his helmet and shook his hair attractively. kyunghee gulped. how rude that he was that hot at 7:45 am.

"who told you this parking lot was available to little girls." he asked as he cranked his engine loudly.

kyunghee shrugged, "you never told me i couldn't."

seonghwa locked his motorcycle up and hopped off. he walked over to her and leaned on the wall beside her, basically trapping her. "the bike racks are by the school gates. use them next time."

she frowned, "i don't want to."

he rolled his eyes and returned, "i didn't ask if you wanted to. i told you,"

"don't act like you own the parking lot or something."

seonghwa smirked and stood up straight again, "you're bold to fight back with me."

kyunghee tucked a piece of hair behind her ears and stuck her nose up dramatically, "hmph."

"it's a good thing, don't worry."

with a chuckle, he pat her back and began walking into school. she ran behind him and caught up.

"hey," she called. "you noticed my new bike, right?"

"sure. of course i did." seonghwa shrugged as he played on his phone, obviously lying.

she walked quickly beside him to match his long strides.

"isn't it pretty? yeosang bought it for me yesterday."

seonghwa stopped suddenly and crossed his arms, "so you won't be riding with me anymore?"

kyunghee pursed her lips and stopped walking as well. she shrugged, "probably not."

he nodded and began to walk again, when something flashed in kyunghee's arm. she quickly grabbed his hand.

"wait... your arm is bleeding."


after kyunghee dragged seonghwa to a bench, she opened up her backpack and fished up her mini first aid kit. he scoffed and rolled up his sleeve, "you carry that with you?"

she nodded, "i'm clumsy so i need it."

kyunghee took good care of seonghwa by cleaning his wound with water from her water bottle. next, she gently spread ointment on with a q-tip.

"how'd you do this?" she questioned. he shrugged and cooly said, "i jumped over a fence, but got caught a little."

she nodded as she put the bandaid finally onto his skin. "done!"

seonghwa shot kyunghee a dissatisfied look, furrowing his brows, "did you seriously just put a unicorn bandaid on me?"

she nodded and smiled cheekily as she packed her kit up again, "just roll your sleeve down. it makes you look cute!"

he stood up and scoffed, "kyunghee, i'm a grown man, do not call me cute."

kyunghee smiled so hard it made her all warm inside. no matter how hard he denied, seonghwa seemed like softie at heart. she was desperate to see that side of him more often.

she watched as he roughly pulled his sleeve down. she giggled as they both began walking again.

"i have your chain necklace, by the way. i left it at home to keep it safe."

"oh, that thing with the lock?" he asked, and she nodded as a yes. seonghwa just said, "i don't really care. why don't you keep it?"

she turned red and nodded, "if you say so..."


"mom?" kyunghee called as she went into her house. it was dinnertime, but she didn't smell anything cooking. she looked around curiously.

on the fridge was a note taped on. it read:

- - - - -

dear kyunghee,

today i was asked out by a guy i like, and i said yes!
isn't that so exciting? to celebrate our new relationship,
my boyfriend and i are going out to dinner. i hope you
won't be too mad at me, honey <3 i love you so much.

take care of yourself. i'll introduce
you to my new boyfriend very soon.

love, mom

- - - - -

kyunghee's jaw literally dropped. after six years, her mom finally decided to date again! she was proud and excited.

but on the other hand, she was a little disappointed without dinner. all kyunghee was left with was ramen.

after cooking, kyunghee sat on her back porch and admired the city as she ate. she liked to sit back and see the pretty stars meet the skyscrapers. it was surely a sight to see.

she was so deeply immersed in the scenery that she didn't even notice her phone buzz beside her. a notification lit up the screen like a candle, light permeating the area around:

[ kkgghee ] @hwa.seong has requested to follow you


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