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chapter 43 : girls wanna have somefun

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chapter 43 : girls wanna have some
fun. we ain't done done done


junichi went home one day after school, sighing in relief to be in the comfort of his own house. he sat down on the couch beside his brother kaiga.

kaiga cleared his throat and asked, "did you talk to kyunghee today?"

"yeah, why?" junichi scoffed.

"just wondering... how has she been these days?"

junichi shrugged as he turned the tv on, "i don't know, she was sad for a while because of her boyfriend, everything is okay now."

kaiga raised his eyebrow, and junichi then realized his mistake as well. kaiga questioned, "her boyfriend? it's not you, is it? you lied."

"so what?" junichi scowled. "stay out of her business."

sighing and shaking his head, kaiga responded, "i'm afraid i can't. i'm just so... infatuated with her."

"her boyfriend is park seonghwa. don't mess with them." junichi wanted, feeling a bit tense himself.

"ah, seonghwa, one of my best enemies. we haven't spoken in a while now." kaiga smiled in a sadistic sense. "i'm not scared of him or his puny gang in the slightest."

"k-kaiga? what are you planning to do?" junichi worried. he kept his eyes on his brother intently.

"i'm not sure yet... but i'll make sure i have my time with kyunghee."


junichi couldn't wait for the next day at school to come around to warn kyunghee of kaiga. he decided to call her.

meanwhile, kyunghee happened to be with seonghwa that night when she go his call. junichi was on speakerphone, his message getting across to seonghwa as well.

"kyunghee, i'm worried."

"is everything okay, jun?"

"no, not really. i accidentally told kaiga that you were dating seonghwa, and he got a weird... it's hard to explain."

"tell me more,"

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