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chapter 28 : i'll let you drag me to hell if it means you'll hold my hand

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chapter 28 : i'll let you drag me to hell
if it means you'll hold my hand


seonghwa went home after his morning session with the boys in the early after noon. he took a nap for an hour and woke up, thankfully a little more sober than earlier.

seonghwa rubbed his eyes, feeling lazy and tired. nevertheless, the first thing he thought of was kyunghee.

"damn it.." he muttered as he frantically grabbed his phone on the nightstand. seonghwa had broken the promise that he'd call her during school, and he knew she took these things seriously.

he dialed her number and waited. a pre-recorded message played, meaning he was sent straight to voicemail. seonghwa sighed disappointedly until he realized, he could track the location of her phone - yes, he was extremely protective of her.

meanwhile, kyunghee had given up on trying to escape the tattoo shop. even if someone saw her outside, the chains were much too strong to break.

in addition, she was too worried that police and firemen would find the drugs that had just been used inside, so that wasn't an option - her phone was dead anyway. all kyunghee felt like she could do was wait in silence and think about what she did.

seonghwa drove fast with worry in his mind. after he found her location at the old tattoo shop, he knew something was wrong.

he reached it finally and walked over to the dirty glass door. kyunghee spotted him and stood up in awe, breathing deeply. seonghwa tapped the glass, "babe..."

she nodded and sat beside the glass door. seonghwa pulled out his phone to call wooyoung, hoping his plan would work.

"wooyoung, where's the key to the
tattoo place we went to earlier?"

"tattoo place... ah! don't worry, i
remembered to throw it to the
bottom of a lake. gone forever."

"fuck." seonghwa licked his lips and sighed.
"i need it now. kyunghee's trapped inside."

"oh, shit... how? is it even
possible to get her out?"

"i don't know, but she looks
pretty scared. i'll see you later."

"okay, bye."

he hung up and kneeled in front of the door to see kyunghee clearly. she had her head on her knees in a doubtful state.

"kyunghee," seonghwa called. his voice was muffled by the door slightly, but he still went on. "you're a big idiot, you know that, babe? i told you not to come..."

she nodded and frowned, closing her eyes in disappointment. "i'm really sorry."

"i'm not leaving you here, so stop making that sad face."

she nodded and sniffled a little, "where's the key?"

"it's... gone, but don't worry yet. have you tried the emergency exit?"

"it's chained, too." kyunghee whined.

seonghwa nodded. "right. so... how long have you been in there?"

"s-since school ended..."

"you should've listened to me." seonghwa felt angry, but he didn't show it in his soft tone. he wanted to protect her, but it seemed like she didn't want to be safe.

kyunghee put her hand on the glass and sadly smiled when he put his hand on the glass as well. a tear dropped slowly down her cheek and she told him, "please get me out."

something changed in seonghwa at that moment. he was sensitive when girls cried, so he felt a different emotion: determination. he felt like he'd do anything to save his girl.

suddenly he stood up to pull and kick the chain's with all his strength. kyunghee stood back to be safe. seonghwa kept grunting and breathing hard, not giving up.

"i guess there's no other way..." seonghwa uttered lowly as he rolled his sleeves down. "move out of the way, okay?"

kyunghee did as she was told, standing at the back of the shop now. she raised her eyebrows, "why?"

full force, he ran forward and broke through the glass with the side of his arm. kyunghee gasped. it hurt him bad, but he was relieved.

the glass loudly shattered everywhere. on the broken door seonghwa had ran through, a large shard showed the deep red color of his blood. kyunghee ran to him.

seonghwa winced and kyunghee instantly hugged him, not knowing what else to do. he pet her hair and sighed, kyunghee still crying hard.

"why did you do that? you're hurt now." kyunghee hit his chest in frustration. she didn't like the thought of the prettiest boy in the world getting hurt, especially because of her.

seonghwa scoffed, "you already know that answer."

"oh, seonghwa," she gasped as she glanced at his bloody arm, a crimson gash on his expensive sweater. "are you okay?"

he kissed her cheek, nodding, then turned around. seonghwa started to kick the remaining pieces of glass on the door out with his boot, making sure it was safe.

suddenly, he ripped his shirt off. kyunghee gasped and looked away.

he chuckled, "never seen a man's body before?"

"s-shut up."

he kept laughing as he wrapped his turtleneck around her shoulders. "this is to make sure you're extra protected. i'll go first."

seonghwa carefully went through the opening in the door before she could decline. he made it through without any more cuts. next was kyunghee, and she almost forgot since she was so entranced by him.

she slowly and tensely walked through. seonghwa watched with fear on his eyes, praying she wouldn't mess up.

but she made it safely and went to seonghwa happily. she gave him back his sweater, which he slipped on quickly. he then leaned back on the outer wall of the tattoo shop and smirked at kyunghee.

"come on, babe. let's go out to eat tonight."


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