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chapter 2 : nothing worth having comes easily

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chapter 2 : nothing worth having comes easily


a week or so had passed since the first day of eleventh grade, and kyunghee was adjusting nicely. her friends had made it extremely easy to fit in with a crowd she was once intimidated by, and kyunghee was thankful for that.

all kids in her new eleventh grade class seemed to like her a lot. the boys thought she was cute and the girls saw her as a little sister. well, except for the 'bad guys' who didn't have enough time to meet new girls and gossip over them.

literature class began, and everyone rushed to their seats. the teacher took her podium and began to lecture about different strategies in writing.

around halfway through the lesson, a certain group of teens barged through the back door of the classroom. they acted so casual, disrupting class like that.

of course, it was yeosang and his iconic friends.

"where were you all?" teacher questioned sternly as she slammed her hand on the podium for emphasis.

one boy with a bandana, hongjoong, shrugged, "cafeteria."

the teacher kept asking questions that were ignored by them. instead of fighting, they sat down in the back where they usually did.

mingi cockily loosened his school tie, "my father needed us."

the teacher gulped and nodded. kyunghee could tell mingi had some special privileges already, and it involved his dad. another reason to be curious about them...

junichi could almost read her thoughts. he leaned over and whispered, "they all have really important backgrounds. that's why they never get in trouble."

when kyunghee checked, she was glad to see her pretty boy show up, too. he sat a few desks over from her and gazed out the window.

hyoju, who sat in front of her, turned around discreetly and warned, "stop staring or they'll see you."

"so what? i can fight."

"heh, bad idea, sis," hyoju said, leaving kyunghee confused. "and for the record, i'm sure they're tougher than you, you little squish.

her curiousity had a craving, so kyunghee didn't think it'd be terrible to stare a little longer. he didn't even notice, so it didn't matter.

"next i'll explain the chunk theory. it's definitely the easiest method in writing— kang kyunghee!" he teacher called her out abruptly. "pay attention and stop your fantasizing about him, got it? i can see your heart eyes from here..."

kyunghee was beet red as she nodded a yes. junichi and hyoju snickered softly, "fantasizing? aish, have fun getting out of that one."


after school, kyunghee waited at a picnic table alone for her friends. the two had after school clubs that they had to attend before they could go to karaoke together.

kyunghee glanced up from her phone to see the posse of bad boys pass by her. they all looked so cool, strutting boldly down the walkway. honestly, she imagined how amazing she'd look as their gang's centerpiece, but she knew that was impossible in reality.

she packed up her things and followed far behind the boys. she only had to sneak around for a few minutes until she was in some sort of parking lot. the boys were up to something it seemed, so she hid behind a wall and observed.

kyunghee was impressed when they all boarded their shiny black motorcycles. she hadn't seen one in real life before. specifically, she watched her dream boy slide on his helmet and adjust his mirrors.

their engines revved loudly. two boys rode out of the lot, passing by her so fast they didn't even notice her. two more followed, then two more, until one remained.

the last rider was the boy she had been watching. she was already so interested but she didn't even know his name. he sharply turned his motorcycle to ride towards the exit of the lot, but stopped gate where kyunghee was.

her heart dropped.

"need something?"

kyunghee backed up and shook her head, "no,"

"then don't follow us." he growled lowly. the boy added a teasingly, "and quit 'fantasizing' about me while you're at it."

kyunghee looked at her feet nervously and nodded, "i-um was just looking at you, i'm sorry."

" 'i can see your heart eyes from here!' " seonghwa imitated their teacher and chuckled lowly. she was turning so red.


the boy's engine purred as he cranked a gear roughly. he took his foot off the ground and said before riding away, "don't worry about it, i have heart eyes for you too."


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