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chapter 37 : sometimes dreams come true

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chapter 37 : sometimes dreams come true


kyunghee was dropped off at her house after school by seonghwa a few days later. they'd already forgotten about their little fight, and got along fine now.

kyunghee invited seonghwa inside. they went in and outside to the back porch to hang out. but on their way, they heard a loud groaning coming from the living room.

"who was that?" seonghwa asked.

kyunghee shrugged and looked around. they trekked into the common room and found yeosang, lying on the couch with a frown on his face.

"yeosang?" kyunghee asked and sat down beside him. "you okay?"

"no. not really." he responded, sighing loudly.

"stop being dramatic and tell us." seonghwa crossed his arms.

yeosang sighed, "well... i'm turning into you, hwa. i'm going soft."

kyunghee and seonghwa both raised their eyebrows, wondering what could be the reason for this.

"there's a girl..." yeosang continued, scratching his head nervously.

kyunghee jumped up in excitement and happiness. "let me help you win her heart! who is it? what does she look like?"

yeosang sighed deeply and rubbed his head, "well... it's hyoju."

kyunghee went pale, her hands dropping to her sides. seonghwa clenched his fists, too. neither of them could answer, complete shock coming over them.

the corner of yeosang's lip turned upwards then he began to laugh hysterically. clenching his stomach, he said, "you should've seen your faces! i'm just kidding"

"you'd better be." kyunghee rolled her eyes.

"sorry, sorry." yeosang giggled. "it's this girl from another school. her name is eun."

"eun... that's a cute name." kyunghee smiled. she was interested, and wanted to find out more about her. if yeosang was soft for someone, this was big.

"i know her. ryeo eun, right?" seonghwa asked yeosang causally. kyunghee raised a brow.

yeosang nodded. he grinned, "you know her through white wings, huh?"

"white wings?" kyunghee interrupted, grabbing seonghwa's hand.

"white wings is a gang like ours, but for girls. they hang out with us sometimes." yeosang explained. then seonghwa added, "you should join. they're exclusive, but i can get you in."

"no, thanks." kyunghee chuckled. "i don't fit that role."

seonghwa shrugged as he turned to the other boy, asking yeosang, "so you like eun? good luck with that, she doesn't care much about guys."

yeosang stood up. "well, eun and i talked yesterday. i wanna ask her on a date. she's exactly my type..."

seonghwa nodded and replied, "i have a girl that i like, too... her name's kyunghee. i'm scared she's gonna reject me if i ask her out."

he chuckled and turned to see kyunghee's face. kyunghee then answered, "i'm not gonna reject you, dummy."

"ew, i hate a cute couple." yeosang scoffed. "i'll just text her. pray for me."


that night, kyunghee just couldn't stand it. she was too anxious to know what eun had replied to him about he date. so around 11 pm, she slipped into yeosang's room.

"hey, how are things with eun?"

yeosang turned over on his bed and sighed, "she didn't like how i asked over text."

"so is she mad?" kyunghee worried as she sat down.

"no, but... i feel like she doesn't like me back." he shrugged and groaned loudly like a little kid. "wanna do me a favor?"

"oh god... what is it?"

yeosang sat up straight and grinned, "join white wings for me. that way you can tell eun all about how great i am and maybe she'll like me back."

"white wings?! me? no! don't drag me into this. i could never be in a real gang—"

yeosang cut off his cousin, "but you can help me get closer to her. i'll teach you how to be... not a softie."

"and why would i do that?" kyunghee asked.

"you owe me. remember when i bought you that bike? we had a deal."

kyunghee sighed, remembering it clearly, "you remembered. ugh. i don't have a choice, do i?"

"nope." yeosang said, smiling devilishly.


"seonghwa! guess what your girlfriend is gonna do!" yeosang greeted seonghwa as he pulled up to school with kyunghee.

seonghwa shrugged, "oh god, what is it?"

yeosang shook his head, "she's joining white wings. with our help and expertise, of course."

"no way." he gawked at the girl who was descending the bike. "this softie?"

"yup!" she beamed. "it's only for a while so we can get eun to like yeosang."

seonghwa laughed, "first, you've got a lot of training to do."

"i know. that's why we're gonna transform her afterschool today." yeosang winked at hwa, then fist bumped him.

"okay. kyunghee's gonna look hot in all black." seonghwa chuckled.

yeosang rolled his eyes, "right in front of my salad?

"sorry, not sorry" he smiled and kyunghee hugged him tighter like she was a koala.


[ a/n : and so the deal from chapter 11 comes into play !!
and if u didn't notice, i added some things to chapter 11
so the plot would be somewhat more seamless yeet ]

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