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chapter 9 : but what's the point of love without falling in the first place

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chapter 9 : but what's the point of
love without falling in the first place


"ready to go?" yeosang asked, opening the door to kyunghee's room.

she was in her bed with her fluffy pajamas clad and a kdrama playing on her laptop. kyunghee glanced at him, "ready for what?"

"idiot... the party's starting soon. hurry!"

kyunghee sprung out of bed and into her closet. she got ready surprisingly fast, deciding to wear a light pink turtleneck paired with a blue jean skirt. her makeup took a while, but once she finished, she ran out to yeosang, who waited on his motorcycle.

yeosang scoffed at her outfit and reached up to tap her fluffy pink earrings, "were going to a party, not candyland..."

kyunghee rolled her eyes at him as she snatched a helmet from his hand. "just drive."


kyunghee had never experienced an event quite like an upperclassmen party. it was loud, dirty, wild, and foul-smelling. however, she did enjoy the disco lights inside and the show that the drunk teenagers would perform.

kyunghee was too curious about everything around her, that she lost sight of yeosang. it didn't help that the lights were off and probably a hundred kids were in the way.

her heart rate picked up. kyunghee was getting scared and nervous, anxious, stressed out, and all of the above. i thought parties were an outlet to have fun, not worry excessively... she thought.

kyunghee began to walk around randomly and try tot find someone, anyone, she recognized. she finally found something worthwhile.

a handmade sign hung above a staircase to the basement, reading in a boy's handwriting: the man cave.

kyunghee took a deep breath then descended the dark staircase. surely, yeosang had to be down here somewhere. she stepped into a less-dim room that was a bit sketchy seeming. the music was louder down here and it was more claustrophobic - especially due to the smoke clouds.

she made her way into the room and found a load of boys either playing video games, drinking, vaping, or playing games like darts and pool.

the part which disgusted her the most was the corner of the place, where various girls in scandalous clothing danced for boys on the couch. kyunghee literally almost gagged, but kept trekking.

she spotted yeosang right away... and then seonghwa

"yeosang!" kyunghee yelped in relief, running over to backhug the pink haired boy, who was leaned over the billiards table, about to shoot his pool ball.

he pushed her off, not wanting to look too soft in front of everyone, "having fun?"

"no! i'm terrified..."

yeosang sighed as he handed her his red cup, "will this help?"

kyunghee shook her head and pushed it away, her hair bouncing back and forth. "that smells nasty."

seonghwa and kyunghee locked eyes and he smiled. she looked down again, flustered. how come she was so whipped in the span of two and a half weeks?

"hold on, i'm almost done with this game." yeosang told her. "sit on the couch and wait for a sec."

she nodded and slowly made her way to the couch. she sat down quietly and observed the multitude of guys around, and it made her nervous.

she pulled her phone out and sighed, scrolling through instagram posts. "stupid yeosang..."

the space on the couch was suddenly taken. glancing over, kyunghee saw seonghwa, who imitated her by using his phone as well.

"looks like you're not much of a party person." he said causally.

"yeosang dragged me into this," she sighed and crossed her ankles. "he'll buy me a new bike."

"a deal, huh?" seonghwa chuckled and said, "i could've done that. bikes are pretty cheap."

her cheeks heated up. yeah, he's loaded, she noted. "heh, well..."

abruptly, someone upstairs loudly shouted profanities and warnings to people around that cops were coming. she stopped talking as everyone began to run around.

the atmosphere changed in the blink of an eye, and seonghwa tensed up. all kyunghee could do was look around in shock.

yeosang was shoving empty cans into his jacket to hide evidence. he told her quickly, "go with seonghwa,"

she nodded and seonghwa grabbed her hand swiftly. he ran past lots of scrambling drunk teenagers until they reached a window. he opened it and let her go out first.

police sirens were heard and so was lots of shouting. seonghwa pinned kyunghee to the side of the house and told her, "i'm gonna go hide my motorcycle. you hide in this bush, and do not move."

she nodded worriedly and watched as he ran off. kyunghee became so terrified she could die as she situated herself in a thick bushel.

policeman began to shout and wave flashlights around on the other side of the house, and kyunghee's heart began to race.

please don't look here, please don't look here, please don't look here...

"where are you? come out!"

she bit her lip and shut her eyes. all she wanted was someone to come and save her now...


ps : everyone thank
you for 1k reads !!

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