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chapter 41 : i'll never be like the other girls you had before me

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chapter 41 : i'll never be like the
other girls you had before me


it was the day, the day that eun and kyunghee would meet. kyunghee's nerves were active, feeling as if this was more of an interview than anything. she reminded herself to keep persevering because she wanted her cousin to be happy.

she only agreed to join white wings because she had never seen yeosang act so differently. he was lovely when he talked about her, described her, or thought about her. he had a certain gleam in his eye since he was lovestruck, and kyunghee couldn't ignore it.

kyunghee's wish already came true, and now she wanted yeosang to fall in love, too.

kyunghee put on her outfit, dressing much like an e-girl. trendy, but intimidating. she was satisfied after putting on some dark makeup and metal accessories, too.

seonghwa waited out front to drive her to the meeting point. she joined him with a smile, and he kissed her cheek.

"hey there, bonita." he chuckled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

she chuckled, understanding the spanish, "hi there. estás guapo."

seonghwa rolled his eyes and turned back around, gripping his hands onto the motorcycles handles. "i guess spanish class wasn't a complete waste of time after all."

"who knew i could use it to flirt with my boyfriend one day?" kyunghee joked along, then shook her head. "anyway, let's get going."

he nodded and accelerated after replying, "your wish is my command."


eun chose to meet with kyunghee at an art museum, which kyunghee found odd, but intruiging. seonghwa walked her inside and paid for her entry ticket just as eun and another intimidating girl walked in.

kyunghee wanted to bow and smile, but she stopped herself - remembering yeosang's lessons. all she did was nod and say, "hi, i'm kyunghee."

"i'm eun. it's good to meet you, babe. oh, and this is my friend somin. she's in white wings too, so don't be shy." eun was so casual and cool - kyunghee could see why yeosang liked her.

kyunghee gave a quick wave to somin, a girl with interestingly black and pink dyed hair and unique facial features.

before they all went inside to further get to know each other, seonghwa kissed kyunghee's lips and said his goodbyes, leaving her alone with the female gang members.

kyunghee felt nervous. it was no doubt that eun was scary. kyunghee wondered what set her apart from the other girls that would make her the reigning leader.

eun asked with a grin, "you're dating park seonghwa? that's quite an achievement."

kyunghee shrugged, "sometimes. other times, he's a complete ass to me,"

the slightest chuckles left the girl's mouths, making kyunghee feel some sort of relief. eun noted, "i can tell you're spunky. i love it."

"thanks," kyunghee said blandly, then continued talking. "so why the art museum? it's really nice, but... why?"

"you'll see when we reach a certain exhibit," somin answered for her leader with a smirk. to that, kyunghee just nodded.

"hey, did you know that seonghwa actually saved me before? when you see him again, please tell him i said thank you." eun sighed. "about two years ago, i was inexperienced when it came to dealing."

dealing? kyunghee thought hard on it, and remembered that yeosang told her it was a term for selling drugs. these girls weren't playing around, huh?

eun kept on, "i was late to deliver, and my customer wasn't happy. he threatened to kill me for it... but seonghwa and his gang were there for similar reasons. seonghwa, yunho, and jongho fought my customer while the others hid me. i'm grateful."

the story installed shock and slight discomfort in kyunghee's mind; nevertheless, she stood stolid and tried not to react much. "i'll be sure to thank him for you. it sounds like white wings and ateez are pretty close, then, huh?"

"correct. we try, at least. they don't want much to do with us, though." was all eun said. kyunghee decided not to make her elaborate, because something in her expression was off.

"ah, eun?" somin spoke up, pulling her mask over her face. "we're nearby the sculptures."

so eun nodded with a mischievous look on her face, glancing at kyunghee.

"you ready, cutie? we're about to steal that art piece right over there."

kyunghee looked to where she pointed and saw a small ceramic pot with one lavender flower inside, detailed intensely and decorated with metals, wires, and such around. the piece represented beauty in a time of war, but that detail was meaningless to somin and eun.

they craved money and exhilaration. and at this point, kyunghee's hands were shaking with fear.

"that's called 'kaori's treasure' and it costs about 2 million. if you wanna join white wings, you need to help us," said eun. so kyunghee nodded.

"you okay, babe? you look a bit pale. how about you wait outside for now and drink some water." kyunghee was surprised when eun said it because she couldn't sense her soft, caring side earlier.

kyunghee obliged sorrily - sorry to yeosang for not being as brave as she wanted. hopefully, he'd understand that a museum heist was a bit too intense for a first mission.

kyunghee waited outside the museum anxiously, clenching her hands tight together and bouncing her knee. it had been about fifteen minutes now.

the museum doors opened and out came the girls. they looked so innocent and not suspicious in the slightest. with a smirk, somin uncovered the small pot inside her jacket slightly.

"i'm impressed. it didn't even take long." kyunghee said.

"i know right? somin here is the brains of white wings, so it wasn't her first time hacking the security systems." she giggled. "now let's get the fuck out of here, ladies."


[ a/n ] i wrote this while listening to
f*ck me and feed me by rendezvous at two!
there are a few lyrics hidden in the story
and even the quote is from that song.
anyway, just trying to say that i love that
song and you all should give it a listen!!!

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