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chapter 17 : if only i could call you something other than your name

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chapter 17 : if only i could call you
something other than your name


kyunghee and yeosang quickly met up with her mom at the main office. she wore a paper name tag that read: kang dohee, visitor. kyunghee grabbed her mom's hand and asked, "what's wrong?"

"jaeeun...he fainted on his way home." she was sweating nervously. "i want you to come with me to the hospital. please..."

kyunghee hugged her mom and consoled her, "i'll go."

yeosang pat his aunt's shoulder too, "i'll come, too."


san, hongjoong, seonghwa, mingi, and wooyoung skipped school that same day and decided to hang out. they brought their depressants and stimulants of choice into san's room.

san's parents were out at work today, meaning the boys were safe to hang out.

hongjoong huffed out a cloud of vape smoke and asked, "seonghwa, did you ever figure out what you were feeling yesterday?"

seonghwa shrugged and did the same as him, "no. still confused."

"ooh, let me give you advice. i'm actually good at it." requested wooyoung as he smiled and sipped on a mixture of alcohols.

seonghwa shot him a look, "let it go. i'll forget about it soon enough."

"aw, just tell us, you pussy."

"fine. how do you know if you like a girl? like actually like her?" seonghwa asked unsurely, vaping again.

wooyoung nodded and began to rapid fire him with questions, "hm... is she pretty?"


"good or bad girl?"

"good. a little too good."

"do you think about her a lot?"


"how many times have you kissed?"


"what??" wooyoung gasped. seonghwa slapped wooyoung's arm to make him continue. "fine, sorry. um, how many times did you think about kissing her?"

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