Chater 37: Awesome Sauce

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"Will you-er, that is, if you wanted to, I wouldn't be opposed- well, I was wondering..."

"Come on, spit it out, bro!" Gideon urged his twin.

"Do you want to to Hogsmeade with me again?" He asked.

"I'd love to!" Logan responded.

"Really?!!" Fabian asked, suprise written across his face.

"Really." Logan smiled.

"Ew, I'm just gonna go before you two get all lovey dovey on me..." Gideon said awkwardly shuffling away.

The couple laughed at him before turning back to each other.

"So, where in Hogsmeade do you want to go?" Logan asked.

"Definitely not the Shrieking Shack!" Fabian decided, "You got all "Imma go kill someone now" after you found that shirt in there. By the way, you never did tell me who it was you were going to kill."

"I did not look like I was going to kill someone!" Logan protested, trying to steer the conversation away from the shirt.

She knew that Remus' secret was his to share, and she thought it would be hard to explain why Remus just so happened to be sneaking into the Shrieking Shack every month.

"Oh, you did too!" Fabian said, smirking.

"Did not!"

"Give me a boost over this fence, Fabian so I can go kill someone." He mimicked her in a high pitched voice.

"I do not sound like that!" Logan laughed, hitting him gently on the arm.

"In my head, you do."

"What am I going to do with you?" She asked him.

"I dunno." He said.

The two walked to Hogsmeade and Fabian pointed out "Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop".

"Gideon said that it's a great place for dates." Fabian said.

"Sure." Logan agreed to go.

As soon as they walked into the shop, she regretted her decision. The shop was decorated with pink frilly things and smelled heavily of perfume. Nearly every table was occupied by kissing couples.

"Umm... Fabian?"

"I'm gonna kill him!" Fabian groaned, "I should've known better than to listen to him, this place is awful!"

A few of the couples stopped kissing to glare at the two of them and the owner of the shop looked very displeased.

"Let's just go." Logan whispered.

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