Chapter 48: Never Hate You

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"I'm not discussing this again, Potter." She replied, turning to leave.

"Wait- something's happened!" He protested.


"Sirius- well, he sorta told Sni- Snape something..."

"What did he tell him?"

"That we sneak out of the castle every full moon."

"What?! But then, he could find out about Remus!" Logan protested.

"He already did." James said solemnly.


"I-um, I found out what Sirius did and tried to stop Snape. Not before he saw Remus though."

Logan sat down, taking in all of the new information.

"He- he won't tell... will he?" She asked.

"Dumbledore's talking to him." James explained, "But the reason I got you is... well... Remus."

"What about him? Is he alright?"

"He's a wreck." James said bluntly, "He almost hurt Snape, and he cannot forgive himself."

"And you thought I could talk to him?" Logan asked.

"...yeah." James replied meekly before saying, "Look, Logan, I really am sorry about what I did. Lily won't even look at me now, and before you say anything, I feel bad for Snape too. It was wrong for me to treat him that way, and I've apologized to him as well."

Logan looked up at James and saw regret in his eyes.

"I forgive you, James." Logan said.

"Thank Merlin!"

She embraced him.

"I missed you." She whispered.

"I missed you too."

"Now, let's go talk to Mooney."

And the two walked up to the hospital wing together. Logan passed outside the doors.

"I think it's best if I talk to him alone." Logan said.

"Okay, I'll wait out here." James replied.

Logan entered the hospital wing and found Remus sitting in a bed, refusing a chocolate bar from Peter. When Remus wouldn't eat chocolate, you knew there was something seriously wrong.

"Hi." Logan said, and both boys looked up at her.

"Hey Logan... are you still mad at us?" Peter asked, "We are all really sorry."

"I'll talk to you later, may I speak to Remus?" She asked.

"Okay." Peter said, remaining in his chair.

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