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Almost one week, my mood is very bad.
I have a problem in real life too.
I also returned to my bad habits, selfharm.

The two parts of the previous story were really quiet, I didn't find any comments like, when you were angry or happy with my story.

I need encouragement :(

Padahal cerita ini hampir menuju klimaks :(
Kalian--yang menjadi writer/author--bukankah kalian akan lebih semangat jika mendapatkan feedback?

Sometimes, i think, is my story bad? boring? or anything else? and I found the answer.

Thank you to readers cause always read my bad stories, thank you very much for all of you (who gave rude comments) for giving criticism and sorry for making you have to read my bad story

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Thank you to readers cause always read my bad stories, thank you very much for all of you (who gave rude comments) for giving criticism and sorry for making you have to read my bad story.

Jujur, ini membuatku semakin kesulitan :'

Btw udah kesekian kalinya aku nemu komen atau DM seperti itu. Untuk DM aku gak post di sini karena terlalu 'nganu'

Sekarang aku tau bagaimana orang menilai ceritaku :)

Hope ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang