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Ok so after my three hr panic attack ive kinda calmed down. Ppl are throwing it in my face that im  single :,( (not rlly throwin it in my face) but like yo i could get whoever i want whenever i want smh. I just kinda dont want a relationship rn (lie, im lonely and the hookups dont help anymore).
Im actually kinda numb but i was texting someone  earlier during lunch n people r so sweet :(( it made me smile a lot and this chick mari was like "yo whatcha smilin for" n then this dude after was hittin on me again and :/// but to be fair i started  it (im a naturally  flirty person).
Anywhore I think im slowly gettin over this person but kinda not really so im trynna focus on someone else that i know is just not gonna end well but. Well. Let's  see lmao. Hopefully I'll  stop lovin this one person and ill be in peace other than my crippling  dysphoria which will eventually lead to me killing myself.

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